How you feeling today?x Sent from my GT-I9100P using mobile app
Been to the gym before work aswellnot much planned tonight really just chillaxing and maybe watch a film or something. You got any evening/ weekend plans? Xx Sent from my GT-I9100P using mobile app
How was the Gym? What time will you finish work? Any plans for the evening? X
Thanks girliesI lost 0.2 pounds which is so annoying as since last sat iv only used 20 weeklies! I don't no whether to start resetting my points on a sat mornings so I can see clearer if I get bigger losses using my weeklies, or stick with the Monday so I have a fresh start every week...
Ah atleast you still lost eh? Maybe you'll have a bigger loss next week, your doing well & all is goin in the right directionxxx
Yes I suppose it was better than a gainyou've done so well any tips for faster losses? Xx
To tell yer the truth, iv always had trouble loosing weight coz of my diabetes/ thyroid .. so me loosing has been a total fluke I'm sure .. Iv just religiously stuck to weighing everything .. And avoided using my weeklies as when I did I always sts ..... I must have a very slow metabolism .... What did you do on the weeks you lost? Ate all the weeklies? Ate very few? Did more or less exercise? Maybe worth looking back onto them weeks n see what you did to loose? I sometimes get into the habit of eating loads of snacks in a day than spending points on bulking my meals out .. That's when my losses have slowed down .. Do you eat lots of fruit? I ate too much and now I don't eat any coz I have to take insulin with it and I may as we'll be eating sweets, that's prob another reason I never lost as there's still sugars in the fruit .. Hope that helps xxx
Arh I'm sorry to hear that chick ur doing really well then!Iv only lost 3 pounds over 3 wks, iv done the same thing all of the wks saved my weeklies for the wkends. Next wk I might space em out a little bit or try not to use em I kind of have them there to control my binges. I have ate a lot of fruit this past wk, mainly at breakfast to save on points so tomoro il have eggs again. I can't eat low fat things I think LF yoghurts etc taste perfumy, iv ate a few cereal bars and crisps this wk too wonder if it a combo... Thanks for the advice chick it a big help xxx
Ah bless yaI'm just chuffed I'm finally loosing ..
Well, 3lb in 3 weeks is amazing ... A pound a week ......... You wanna keep it off rather than loose loads a week n put it all back on when you have a week off ... Your doing really well Lola
don't put yerself down honey
just think if you lost a pound a week for the next 3 months .. You'd almost be a stone down
Thank u chick I'm so impatienta stone off by feb would be fab! Had a binge last nite, I kept within my points so wasn't too bad but still feel mad at myself. How's today been x