ProPoints The Christmas countdown...

Sorry hun got confused lol :banghead: Diet going ok so far, just getting up now for another pt session so will let you know if I get anymore tips ;) have a good day x Sent from my GT-I9100P using mobile app

Lol if u want to take me to Mexico il be glad to come :) jealous! :) how did the pt go? X
Lol if u want to take me to Mexico il be glad to come :) jealous! :) how did the pt go? X

Haha :) pt session was ok. Not the same guy as sat, this is one of the gym guys. He had me doing a 10k challenge which was 5k on the bike, 2k running uphill, 1k on the rower and 2k on the cross trainer. Had to do it as fast as possible then beat my time each time I do that work out. Got part 2 tomorrow which he said is with kettlebells. To be honest I'm a bit disappointed with this morning as I dont struggle with cardio its more a weights workout I need plus his session goes against what the sat trainer had me doing as he said not to do steady state cardio, instead to do short intervals and focus on weights x

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Fruit salad & cereal bar (2)
Porridge (6)
Crisps (2)
Tin toms
Dinner out friends birthday (31)
= 41

Exercise: +25: -3 left

Aaaa need to hit the treadmill tomorrow, 1 more day till weigh in I could cry...
Hey Lola.. You're doing some serious work this week well done!! Even Just the motivation to do exercise is better than doing none!! What day are you weighing? xx

Thanks jojo :) it's my diet I'm worrying about iv ate almost double what I'd normally have fingers crossed for a miracle hehe there's just so many events on during December, I should just stop stressing and enjoy it's a hard balance. How is your diet going hun x
Thanks jojo :) it's my diet I'm worrying about iv ate almost double what I'd normally have fingers crossed for a miracle hehe there's just so many events on during December, I should just stop stressing and enjoy it's a hard balance. How is your diet going hun x

Have you seen what I've eaten today hun?? I posted it up on my thread!! It's vile!! Starting afresh in the morning.. Again haha xx
Haha :) pt session was ok. Not the same guy as sat, this is one of the gym guys. He had me doing a 10k challenge which was 5k on the bike, 2k running uphill, 1k on the rower and 2k on the cross trainer. Had to do it as fast as possible then beat my time each time I do that work out. Got part 2 tomorrow which he said is with kettlebells. To be honest I'm a bit disappointed with this morning as I dont struggle with cardio its more a weights workout I need plus his session goes against what the sat trainer had me doing as he said not to do steady state cardio, instead to do short intervals and focus on weights x Sent from my GT-I9100P using mobile app

That's interesting did they give you conflicting diet advice? I find all my friends give different advice, one says to drink spirits & diet drinks when I'm out as it's low cal, the other says to drink fresh juices with spirits as your body can break em down easier. It's never ending!
You will enjoy the kettlebells there my favourite :) iv hardly trained all week i need to get into it x
That's interesting did they give you conflicting diet advice? I find all my friends give different advice, one says to drink spirits & diet drinks when I'm out as it's low cal, the other says to drink fresh juices with spirits as your body can break em down easier. It's never ending!
You will enjoy the kettlebells there my favourite :) iv hardly trained all week i need to get into it x

No they both agree with low carb however I've done it since mon and sneaky peek today said 1lb gain! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Kettlebells was brilliant this morning. Doing that 2x a week now, plus the 10k challenge thing once, a full body workout on my 4th day and the other days I'm going to just do cardio to burn extra calories.

Is it wi tomorrow hun? Xx

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No they both agree with low carb however I've done it since mon and sneaky peek today said 1lb gain! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: Kettlebells was brilliant this morning. Doing that 2x a week now, plus the 10k challenge thing once, a full body workout on my 4th day and the other days I'm going to just do cardio to burn extra calories. Is it wi tomorrow hun? Xx Sent from my GT-I9100P using mobile app

Aaw don't worry about it hunni it'll just be the change in ur diet, a natural caveman diet is always the way to go. That sounds good iv got a few workouts il try to send u I tend to use heavier weights and mix it up a bit.
Yes it was WI today I was 10.42, so half a pound gain I really need to be good I'm determined from today... :)
Fresh start today...


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Yey to fresh start :) we will do this! ;) half a pound on isn't much hun, onwards and downwards xx Sent from my GT-I9100P using mobile app

Thanks hun it's not so bad, but in the bigger pic iv only lost 1.5 in 7 weeks :( I say it every week but I really am going to have less fruit and a proper breakfast every day, and cut out the LF crisps & snacks iv been having I wouldn't of dreamt of eating those before ww.
We'll do it you'll be tiny for Mexico :) x
Do you do your measurements? Could be losing inches? I'm not speaking from experience there though haha, mine not changed at all yet! X Sent from my GT-I9100P using mobile app

Mine haven't either! I'm wondering whether to join a meeting but then what's the point my diet won't change? Or try slimming world again, or just stop counting for a week and try a natural diet. Then I tell myself well it's dec atleast I can have all the snacky Xmas foods within my points... I'm getting really fed up :( I went out on sat night for my friends bday party then ate just again yesterday, so I now have no weeklies left again x

Spin & abs (+9)
2 shredded wheat & milk (7)
Chicken salad roll (6)
Chicken noodle stir fry (9)
Chocolate caramel tart (13)
8 koppabergs (72) shocking!

35 food & 72 drink= 107

Weeklies: 81/49 = 32 over
Exercise: +9
32-9= 23 left to earn back...


Hangover food (28)

-25 pp to earn back this week...
Awh hun I know exactly how you feel! Like you say its December too so lots of meals and xmas coming up. I decided until the 23rd I'm being good though with low carb. The plan I have is 6 days low carb with one day as a carb up day when I can eat carbs. Loving not having to count everything I eat though so quite enjoying it. Not sure if I've lost though. Will weigh wed xx

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Awh hun I know exactly how you feel! Like you say its December too so lots of meals and xmas coming up. I decided until the 23rd I'm being good though with low carb. The plan I have is 6 days low carb with one day as a carb up day when I can eat carbs. Loving not having to count everything I eat though so quite enjoying it. Not sure if I've lost though. Will weigh wed xx Sent from my GT-I9100P using mobile app

I think il try doing the same, low carb but try sticking to ww or il use the fitness app to count calories till weigh day sat morning. I do love not counting I'm definately going to do the caveman diet as soon as Xmas is over! Keep going your doing so well x
I think il try doing the same, low carb but try sticking to ww or il use the fitness app to count calories till weigh day sat morning. I do love not counting I'm definately going to do the caveman diet as soon as Xmas is over! Keep going your doing so well x

Is low carb basically stay away from bread and pasta and stuff?? I know it's a silly question but are all carbs restricted as such? :) x
Is low carb basically stay away from bread and pasta and stuff?? I know it's a silly question but are all carbs restricted as such? :) x

Yes pretty much low carb is no pasta, bread, white potatoes, rice etc. My version of low carb would be limited whole grain carbs at breakfast such as shredded wheat, a small amount at lunch brown pasta, sweet potato etc then none for the rest of the day. Hope this helps :)
I've been limiting to under 50g a day. Normally consists of eggs with cheese, cottage cheese and nuts, cauliflour/broccoli mash, quorn, protein shakes and a bit more cheese. Love cheese though so it suits me ;) xx

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I think il try doing the same, low carb but try sticking to ww or il use the fitness app to count calories till weigh day sat morning. I do love not counting I'm definately going to do the caveman diet as soon as Xmas is over! Keep going your doing so well x

Never done caveman before, have you? X

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