The danger zone

we're bad Sophs. ;)
Not all Jim, My son is ex tank corps,
he's lovely, his fiance thinks so too. :D
LOL, a tankie, met a fair few of them in my time Wrinkly. :D

Was he RTR or a cavalryman?
A Hussar, never been on a horse though... Sea side donkey... :D
we're bad Sophs. ;)

I know lol...I used to be engaged to a recovery mechanic lol

Not all Jim, My son is ex tank corps,
he's lovely, his fiance thinks so too. :D

One of a kind wrinkly lol

I think Jim meant bad ina cheeky way lol...Not a nasty way. That's just 50% of them lol
A recce Mech!! Great bunch of lads, hands like shovels.
Yeah. A Recce Mech lol....with REME. He was based in Germany for the time we were engaged. I may have killed him otherwise lol
LOL Sophs.

No wrinkly, not many Cavalry do ride horsed these days, though I suspect it's mandatory for the officers still.
Must admit I have yet to meet a shy
serviceman. :D
I'm shy really.

oh well

Jim, I must confess, I don't know what LMAO means.. ??!!
Thanks Laura, I didn't know there was such a thing, I've booked marked it. :D I have often remarked that my education will never be finished. Especially where this thing is concerned. :character00148:.. :)
lol at wrinkly
Morning, Having worked in IT most of my life I know most of these, they originally come from the the old bulletin boards in the '80's and '90's before the WWW and the current forums. :) All green screens and the dot prompt in those days. :)
Morning, Having worked in IT most of my life I know most of these, they originally come from the the old bulletin boards in the '80's and '90's before the WWW and the current forums. :) All green screens and the dot prompt in those days. :)

I remember learning on those at secondary school lol...Playing worms using commands lol
I remember learning on those at secondary school lol...Playing worms using commands lol

You calling me an old fart Sophs. LMAO
lol!!! Well, it was 17 years ago that I started secondary only a bit of an old fart!lol
Hey there weren't really any pcs around when I was at school, (left in '81) just a couple of HUGE box thingies that the science dept used! So Jim if you're an old fart I'm even older or fartier, lol!