The diary of a Mole :)

Re: My Diary - Started today 29.09.10

Hi moleymole - Saw you have been posting on other people's diaries so know you are still around. How is it going?
do you know what ? I completely forgot I had started this diary ha ha - right going to write in it now as I am stuggling at the moment.. I am always the same the more weight I lose I tend to get a bit "smug" and think I can suddenly eat, and that feeling is there again - don't get me wrong I havn't eaten and don't intend to but its there all the same - its hard !

Four weeks of SS left thats all and then I can do 810 (hopefully).. hubby will be home and I can relax and breathe and not be full time mum to two kids alone aswell as going to work and running a business argh - some days I do wonder how I do it !!!

Charlie had me up at 4.30 so used the time he has lay on sofa watching peppa pig to catch up on some work :) so early night for me tonight - well thats the plan anyway.

Already had my porridge this morn as I was starving - so got to wait until lunch time now - wheres the water and coffee ????

anyway peeps - promise I'll start writing in this again now and keep you all up to date with my daily going ons - probably bore you all to death but hey ho :)

ooh and 27 days until the big homecoming :) :)
hey guys just checking in - at work today. Had a bad day yesterday as in wanted food really bad - ended up having some chicken and mushrooms and I so wanted to have a strict SS week - so next 4 days 100% SS. Came into work (only work 2 days a week) and everyone is like "oh my god your wasting away" which feels really good - if only they could see me naked lol

I'm going to try and take some more piccies tonight for you

Also as Lauren said remember our heros today - thinking of my hubby and very proud :) xxx

oh and 25 days whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hi babe!

didnt even know you had a diary!

how ignorant of me!!!

Had a good read, your rubbish at remembering hahaha

Youve done so well sweet, you should update this more, especialy when Samual is home, will keep you on the straight and narrow!

I forget its here ha ha - I'm crap with diaries always start one and never finish it. ok I'll try and keep it going now lol xx
Right weve got 9 days...

use your diary babe, will come check every day and leave you "inspirational quotes" until your that sick of reading them youd rather go out for a run hahaha xx