Pineapple, banana
Many coffees with skimmed milk (HEa)
Lunch (at about 3.30):
Banaba, satsuma
Had a bit of a scare today. You know if you damage a muscle, you sometimes feel a 'ping'? Well, I had that on the left side of my chest this morning and all of a sudden couldn't inhale properly because of the pain. After about half an hour, tears and hyperventilating, I went to A&E whereupon they stuck me with needles, x-rayed my chest and did an ECG. Absolutely terrifying. However, as I calmed down things gradually got better (although I still cannot take a deep breath) and xray was clear, (no collapsed lung or clot) bloods were clear and ECG all normal. BP slightly elevated (probably stress). Instead, they say that in all likeliness I have damaged an intercostal muscle. And apparently, this is more common and easier to do than you would reckon. Panic over, but extremely uncomfortable (I am, by nature, a deep breather). Hopefully tomorrow will look brighter.