The diary of El - Everyone Welcome :)

Not too bad hun. Got lots to so today. Need to go get my fondant Icing to top the cake I've made for my sister in laws baby shower tomorrow. I might make some cute babies and dummies and booties to go on top. Made some cute petit fours too.

Weighed this morning. So far 1.5 on but I was totally expecting that after this week and so I'm not gonna beat myself up about it. Move on next week he my arse into gear again. It's pretty much been the week from hell so never mind.

How r u? Xxx
Thanks ladies. I hope it settles down too. Not holding out much hope for weigh in on Sunday but I'm not giving up. But I know realistically that I can't control everything.

With regards to the bestie yes it's very hard at the minute. Her ex is being so manipulative with regards to their daughter it's shocking!

Work isn't getting any better and I think I will be taking a trip to HR soon. Also the union I'm in has asked how people are doing following the restructure work wise so I suppose this is the perfect opportunity to say that with no contingency in place it's not going work!!!! We shall see!!!! The worst of it is is that the lady who is off has also been my good friend for 5 years. She's always had issues outside of work but because of the restructure she has found the increase harder and of course I'm now treading the fine line between friend and boss.

Hope everyone else is ok.

Def go to HR we get a bad press but we are there to help all staff (although I know some HR people toady up to management!)
Def go to HR we get a bad press but we are there to help all staff (although I know some HR people toady up to management!)

In my Union days, the Personel people were good. Well, the manager was a bit of a letch but dealing with the women was generally productive. Going to management with a problem would be OK sometimes, depending on who it was but for approvement for a diffferent way to handle a situation they would generally need Personel approval anyway. I don't think badly of you M, because of your job :)

El, you are being very sensible not to be beating yourself up about the gain. You are under so much stress atm that worring about that as well would be very counterproductive. I hope your absent worker has a miraculous recovery over the weekend, or being more realistic, that your higher management and/or HR dept can find a way of getting you some help. Oh, and wishing your friend well, the one who has split up with her OH.
Thanks Micci. To top it all I'm now ill. Sore throat. Chesty cough ? ffs!!! X
On a more positive note I'm quite proud of the sugar craft I did yesterday x


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That's impressive, love the little feet!
Here's one of the nappy cake I made x


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Love the cakes!! How clever!!!. :)

Don't worry about the gain El. On the grand scheme of things considering how stressed out you are, it's only small.

I hope things get sorted at work for you, else you'll be the one off from work :( xxx
Your nit feeling well either , not surprised wiv how your week been , hope next week can be less stressful xx

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How are you doing? Ill enough to have to stay at home?
Not so ill I'm at home though I have booked a day tomorrow I wasn't going to use but seen as I feel poo I'm going to anyway. Totm too so backs killing me. Think I'm falling apart lol x