The diary of Janalot :)

Please don't delete your diary Jan - it's warts and all and will be interesting to look back on.

Now, that's you told :D

P x

PS - love the photo, missy! :D
Jan your defo not boring, keep posting x
Aw thanks Sid :)

Eve very kindly sourced me fat free sugar free marshmallows today that we're a god send!

I have TOTM so my other half is watching me like a hawk I swear if it's not nailed down I want to eat it!! Practically mounted a teenage boy on the train home as he was sitting beside me eating chips his eyes were pleading please stop sitting so close to me! Think he was tempted to throw a chip onto the platform as we both knew there was every possibility I would run to get it and leave him alone lol

Awww flo bags eff off back to the puts of hell where you came from and stop making me a crazy chip woman lol :) x
Rofl at mounting 16yr old with chips hahaha!! I used to have sugar free marshmallows when on skinny world, sainsburys do them in sweet aisle, can we partake in a few of those at certain times dya think? Defo when aunt flo comes to visit maybe? am a little peed off she always brings the same present, surely something else for a change??
Anyhow, totm cravings means u need to get crafty in the kitchen, celeriac chips, chicken and salad on PV day, or celeriac chips an omlette/celeriac chips and anything!!
i just had chilli with grated cauli rice, omg its soooo easy and filling! have u tried it? I have to have a sweetened egg dash of milk omlette and sprinkled with more sweetner or spread with dukan nutella,,thats my fav totm sweet snack. I hope u are ok x
Hi Kirsty! I'm ok but just unhinged my jaw and ate dinner so fast my body was like wit the?? And gave myself colic lol
I'm not sure if we can have them but it's better than the family size bar of dairy milk I was eying up , or the squashed mars bar on the road that someone threw away half eaten lol swear to god the witch with a b makes me mental haha

I should be ok if I can make it through to tomorrow morning I now know what my diabetic father goes through :)

Hmmm your dinner sounds lovely! I had chicken steaks with tikka powder and yoghurt but ate it to fast to taste it lol

I know what you mean why can't she bring an overwhelming need to run 20 miles and a craving for water haha that would be more appreciated rather than walking like John Wayne and considering trading my house keys to the local big issue seller for a dairy milk!!

It's unfair being a woman sob :)
What's this chat about Dukan nutella??! I swear my womb just fluttered when I read that!?

How you coping apart from reading my drivel lol xxx
New injury couldn't wait for muffins to cool down do now have 3rd degree burns on tongue lol but yummy x
Jan what are you like lol, it will pass, mind over matter girl, easy for me to say, I havent had a visit for19 years..hahahah its great heheheh...... I am wicked, sorry....:D
Well I survived the night.... Other half kept watch over me with a shot gun in the rocking chair in the corner, he was told "if I turn, shoot me it's just like if I turn into a zombie, it's just not me anymore" thankfully all I had was a slight temperature and a lot of tossing and turning but I didn't venture into the kitchen yey!!!!

Bit better today, still sore but my cravings to kill and eat have calmed down. I haven't had TOTM for almost ten years so this is all new to me :0

Got my bag all packed with Dukan goodies and I'm raring to go, I will be unsupervised later as O/H will be at football...... Can I be trusted not to run amuck? Will I rip the floorboards up looking for edible goodies? Am I strong enough to survive this possession? Tune in later for this weeks JANALOT!!! Lol

Have a good day y'all x
HAHAHAHA defo tune in more exciting than the telly, good luck today x
Oh bless you its hard when you're fighting cravings, luckily I don't have them otherwise it would be even harder.
Telling you she's a right pain in my ass ! And a sneaky wee witch!!!! O/H is leaving booby traps around the house tonight to make sure I don't succumb lol he makes me laugh :) if I get to desperate he will shoot me with a chocolate bullet (bliss) lol x
Ok ok we can pack away the crucifix silver bullets and cross bows..... I just made Dukan chocolate brownies in the microwave all is calm again!!! X
Tadaaaaa!!!! Lol little bit bumpy but it was my first attempt and my tasters said it tastes delish!! So at least it's edible I have few months to perfect my smoothing skills.

To be fair I probably could have got it smoother but I lost the will to live at the end running about getting messages, visiting the wrinkles so that's my excuse lol



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