The diary of Pink Princess - Weigh in result 1 :D

Hey everyone :)

Well, on day two now and still feeling really positive! Got up early for uni this morning and made myself eat breakfast, which I never normally do. Only managed a small bowl of rice crispies, but hey, it's a start!

Made lunch the night before to take to uni with me, so that I wouldn't be tempted by any of the delicious yet oh-so-bad for me sandwiches! Was offered birthday cake by someone on my course, but managed to say no, don't want to waste my points on a teeny piece of cake!

Went shopping with my gf after uni, she's also on weight watchers, so we stocked up on loads of healthy stuff and weight watchers style treats :)

Am loving this diet at the moment, don't feel hungry or deprived at all. Can't wait till weigh-in next week :D

Rice Crispies
Semi-skimmed milk

Wheat free pitta bread
Quorn slices

Tuna steak
Spring onions

Walkers baked crisps
Elf popping chocolate

All this and still 5 points left for this evening!

PP x
Just had weight watchers chocolate sponge pudding - how nice are they?! Only 3 points too :) With that and my mocha am done for the day. Going to do the wii fit tonight, although am so cold at the moment I don't want to leave the nice warm couch! Brr! x
I have just made a 0 points egg white veggie omelette as I am really craving food, think my TOTM is due :( All I want is chocolate! Will resist though x
if you feel you need chocolate, you can always have a little bit and take those points from tomorrows allocation, or tomorrow do some exercise to earn those points back. you seem to be doing really well though, so keep it up :)

welcome btw :) xxx
Thank-you :) Have been bouncing around on the wii fit, trying to burn some extra calories. That's a good idea about borrowing from tomorrow, may just borrow 2 so I can have a teeny chocolate - it is an emergency after all! x
TOTM can only be solved through chocolate - i understand :) we just have to learn to control the amount of chocolate.. change the family bar to a normal size..LOL :D
Exactly! Lol. Have had a mini bar and feel much calmer now, will take it from tomorrow's allowance :) x
How's it going today PP? You sound like you are doing well! Argh, god TOTM sucks doesnt it! I dont crave chocolate luckily, i just crave FOOD!:rolleyes: x
Hi and a belated Welcome! :D
You sound like you're doing really well! I always borrow a point or 2 if TOTM hits me of an evening :)
Hey :)

Thanks for the replies! Well the dreaded period arrived this morning :( am actually feeling better now it's here! Have a day off uni today so got to have a lie in which was lovely :) Am now just deciding what to have for lunch, think it will be jacket potatoes with ww ham and cheese as i'm cold and need some comfort food! It's bloody freezing at the moment, have the heating on full, a giant jumper and a blanket and am STILL cold?! What's that about? Anyways, am off to make some lunch, thanks again for the replies, nice to know someone reads these ramblings of mine :)

PP x
Have put my potatoes in :) Am going to scoop out the middle when they're done and mix it with chopped ham, chives and light philly and then put it back in and under the grill for a couple of mins :) Lovely. Am trying to drink lots while waiting for them to cook, need to up my fluid intake as I really don't remember to drink enough each day. x
Possibly because you haven't posted enough yet. Irene or Starlight would know for sure but there are some things you can't do (like send pms) till you've done 50 posts, so it may be that.
Ok thanks :)

Just had lunch, was yummy.

2 small potatoes
1 small tub philly light
WW ham x 2 slices
10g chedder cheese
6 1/2
try your avatar again? i'm pretty sure it was 20 or 25 posts before you could upload..

your lunch sounds gorgeous - glad you're feeling better today, i know how horrible TOTM is - i'm usually worse the first two days im on - i comfort eat cause i feel awful!

good on you for upping your water - you should buy yourself a buxtons big one (1l bottle) and carry it with you each day to uni - if you can drink that during the day you're at least half way to your 2l per day.. and to save money, refill it (i refill mine with squash as tap water just isnt the same but bottled waters too expensive to buy every day!) :D

can i just ask what your ultimate goal is? 20.7 seems quite low.. what is that in weight if you dont mind me asking? with me being 5'7 i'm aiming for just under top end of healthy BMI which i think is 11st 6, so 11st and i would be really happy :)
No, I don't mind you asking at all! My ultimate goal is to be around 10 stone, but maybe a bit higher if that's going to put me at too low a BMI - maybe I worked it out wrong? I'm 5'9 and currently weigh 15.9. x
That's my long term goal, at the moment i'm just reaching towards getting into the healthy BMI range :) Have just done a workout DVD, have no co-ordination at all so must have looked pretty silly! But I did it and feel very pleased now! There's nothing lazy about that, being at a healthy BMI is a great goal :) x
which DVD do you do? i have loads but only one i enjoy is Tracy Shaw's Salsacise which i got for some ridiculously cheap price on amazon :p
Yay! Managed to upload a picture - woop! I am the one on the right. We've just done the Rosemary Conneley one, lol it's sooo funny! :D x