Yesterday was a bad day for me ate so much crap
Porridge (3pp) Milk (1pp)
Lunch (bad day at work was buying goodies for Halloween and i went a bit mad)
3 bags Quavers (7pp)
2 Purple Snack Bars (6pp)
Then got home from work Liam was late and i was starving as didnt eat my lunch as ate above so got bowl of veg soup (0pp). But then i couldnt stop eating ate so much sweets and more crisps and choc. Weighted what was left of the sweets so i know the amount i have eaten and i pointed it all (which is a big improvement as usually just forget about it)
So very ashamed to say i ate:
Worm Sweets 41g (3pp)
Fried Egg Sweets 57g (5pp)
Milka Leo bar (5pp)
Options mint (1pp)
4 bags quavers (10pp)
Oh my god seeing it all written down i cant believe myself.
Had Lamb Tagine (11pp) for dinner as i had it defrosted and i know i would be hungry later as hadnt eaten anything proper since breakfast
So that was my day

but at least i pointed everything
33/33 dailies
19/49 weeklies
No ap
So not going to let that happen again just very stressful day and a cranky child when i got home and no hubby to help. i really have to lose weight this week, that god nothing major on for the weekend so can be good the next five days and i still have 30 weeklies left. When i pointed it all up it wasnt as bad as i though. Before i would just have wrote off the week and ate all around me until wi and probably wouldnt bother goin but i still have some weeklies left