The Divas Weekly Weigh-in!

Spending three hours in the gym! I used to do that... Happy days!!! No wonder I've put on weight, haven't been anywhere near a gym in about a year! Life sucks, doesn't it? I'll start to work soon, so I'd finally be able to afford a gym membership again, but with the phd, I won't have the time! Oh well, hope gardening would sort me out, just got an allotment and spent sunday afternoon clearing up the weeds and brambles and my arms still hurt!

Anyway, Elle, just a stone to go, that's brilliant!!! What are you gonna do about hair an make up on your special day? And Rachel, are you ssing again? How are you finding it?
Oh how very Bahamas!! Im sure you look lovely in it.

ROFL :gen157:
wish I was IN the bahamas!!!

Map, gardening burns up loads and loads of cals, much better than the gym lol!! I'm going to have my hair done before I go up to Sheffield for the shoot, and I've got a make-up artist coming up to the venue from Birmingham as well so thats just brilliant :D Hoping she'll make me look halfway decent!!
Wow! How glamorous it all sounds!!! You should get a friend to film everything and make your little documentary throughout the day! Is it in a studio in Sheffield? or a 'location'? Maybe you'll be posing all over the peak district as if making a FHM magazine calendar! hahahaha

Elle thats a great idea of Mapcr!!! We are all really looking forward to seeing the photos - hope you post loads on the site!!!:D
Rachel, ROFL you loon, thats just made me shout out loud lol!!!!!

Map, we are shooting in the Cutlers Hall, who are very kindly letting us use some rooms there, it absoltely awesome! Sheffields answer to Buckingham Palace!

I'll be so nervous I would be terrified to be filmed, its nerve-wracking enough having photos taken teeheeeee....
Elle thats sounds sooooooooo amazing.....what a life turnaround this weigth loss journey has been for you!!!! Photo-shoots in amazing locations wearing your own designer and make done and photos by the professionals!!!! Awesome!!! You so deserve to have fab day!!!
Aaaw thank you Bea :thankyou:

Never done anything like it before, and have been very camera-shy for a long time.... 19 days to go, its just whizzing away! I'm hoping it will have a good effect on online sales too, as my current models cant get as good a reduction in a corset as I can (am I a glutton for punishment?!) so at least the corsets will be shown off to their best LOL

Decided to start going through the refeeding stages a few days before, so I will be on 790 by then, going to stick with the new CD guidelines and lose the remaining half stone a bit more slowly, that way at least I will get to eat!!! :D
Sounds like a good idea...yourself and your guy should have a celebratory meal with maybe a little glass of vino!!!!
That would definately be the nicest glass of wine you have ever tasted!!! Maybe you should arrange to have a meal after your photoshot since you are all dressed up anyway as a celebration of your success. As long as you are sensible and go straight to the gym afterwards (the day after obviously, not on the treadmill in your high heals!!) you will be fine and you of all people deserve a night out!!
Ah no meal out for me sadly - the shoots is 2 hours away from home, so I am going fora quick drink with the photographer aftewards then driving part way home and staying with a friend as I will be totally and utterly shattered, lol. Might well have a small glass of wine with her thogh as I will be coming out of ketosis that week anyhow! I CANT WAIT - no more pongy breath!
Still sounds pretty should have glass of champers!!! How soon afterwards will the results be on your site?
Still sounds pretty should have glass of champers!!! How soon afterwards will the results be on your site?

Well, Mark is really speedy so will probably be up all night editing, so I'll get them in hte morning when I get home - and as soon as I get them I'll be uploading them!

Just had a bit of a panic this morning, tried on one of the new collection corsets we're going to be shooting and thought 'is this too much boob'? So I emailed a photo to Mark to say 'can I get away with it'? And he replied 'Wow'. LOL, so I guess I can! :D
LOL you are so right Rach!!!