The dreaded star week!

I put on half a pound on my last one but I've put on 5 or 6 lbs in the past. I really knocks me off kilter
Oh the joys of being female!

I don't find it affects my weight too much but it really boosts my desire to eat, particularly sweet stuff. I'm not on a contraceptive so get the full whack of hormones and it's a constant battle with food for those few days.

I stick to the plan, make the most of free foods and usually max out my syns to 15 each day. So far I've still had a loss on these weeks but it's the hardest won loss of the month!
It has affected me in the past as a younger person but doesn't so much now. But it always seemed to be if weigh in was a few days before * was due. Once it arrived it seemed as tho any water retention drained away.
Oh god I'm scared! I wondered what SW called TOTM :p On some its called shark week haha. Star week sounds more innocent but clearly it isnt!
I have my second weigh in tomorrow but I can feel I'm going to start today or tomorrow. I feel huge but am still proper on track. I lose 5.5 in my first week so I'm scared its going to go backwards again :(
Oh god I'm scared! I wondered what SW called TOTM :p On some its called shark week haha. Star week sounds more innocent but clearly it isnt!
I have my second weigh in tomorrow but I can feel I'm going to start today or tomorrow. I feel huge but am still proper on track. I lose 5.5 in my first week so I'm scared its going to go backwards again :(

Hope you dont - maybe they should call it ''I wanna smash everybody's head in with an axe'' week lolo. Thats a joke by the way, incase anyone thinks I am a psycho axe murderer lol
Me and my friends say that Aunty Flo has come to visit haha
Well alarmingly for me, and I always have to be different, I laways have my gain or sts mid cycle and then the mini loss when the star week is here so I have 2 weeks to contend with. Next week#s WI is the mid cycle one and I only need a pound to get back to my 4 stone award - I have gone back over my last 16 months with SW and every 4 weeks there is a gain so grrrrr is all I can say. I am determined to break tghe cycle ( no pun intended ) and get that pound off this week. Quite how I am going to do it, I have no bleeding ( another pun! ) idea! lol x
Well alarmingly for me, and I always have to be different, I laways have my gain or sts mid cycle and then the mini loss when the star week is here so I have 2 weeks to contend with. Next week#s WI is the mid cycle one and I only need a pound to get back to my 4 stone award - I have gone back over my last 16 months with SW and every 4 weeks there is a gain so grrrrr is all I can say. I am determined to break tghe cycle ( no pun intended ) and get that pound off this week. Quite how I am going to do it, I have no bleeding ( another pun! ) idea! lol x

I am the same since given birth which is werid as before I used to gain weight on the first day of my period!!!
stivesliz said:
Well alarmingly for me, and I always have to be different, I laways have my gain or sts mid cycle and then the mini loss when the star week is here so I have 2 weeks to contend with. Next week#s WI is the mid cycle one and I only need a pound to get back to my 4 stone award - I have gone back over my last 16 months with SW and every 4 weeks there is a gain so grrrrr is all I can say. I am determined to break tghe cycle ( no pun intended ) and get that pound off this week. Quite how I am going to do it, I have no bleeding ( another pun! ) idea! lol x

Me too, small loss star week but almost always sts 2 weeks later no matter what I do! Hope it doesnt happen this month got 2 weigh ins before my holiday and just 4lbs till club 10! Really want to get there before I go (even though I'm not going to be fully on plan and will gain when I get home) but after club 10 I have 3lbs to target! :D
Me too, small loss star week but almost always sts 2 weeks later no matter what I do! Hope it doesnt happen this month got 2 weigh ins before my holiday and just 4lbs till club 10! Really want to get there before I go (even though I'm not going to be fully on plan and will gain when I get home) but after club 10 I have 3lbs to target! :D

Crossing my fingers for ya! I did literally sit down last night and go through all 73 weigh ins and its there in black and white, every 4th week! I am being ultra good this week in the hope that I can make it different this month. I just dont get it really grr
stivesliz said:
Crossing my fingers for ya! I did literally sit down last night and go through all 73 weigh ins and its there in black and white, every 4th week! I am being ultra good this week in the hope that I can make it different this month. I just dont get it really grr

Thanks! I know its disheartening but as soon as I realised the pattern (rather embarrasingly in a lightbulb moment infront of a visiting male consultant when he asked if I knew why I had maintained lol) I've learnt to accept that if it happens and I stick with it, I will get a loss the following week. It's a pain in the backside but at least there's a good reason for it! :) x