New Member
Hi All 
Some of you reading this may find this slightly premature as I have not yet attended my first meeting lol (currently awaiting my information in the post) but I thought I would take this time to get acquainted with you all and give you a little bit of an insight of why I am here and who I am behind the title of Hopeless Dieter2012.
First of all, thank you for taking the time to open this thread. My name is Kara-Alicia, I'm a 22 year old trainee midwife (still studying) and a mummy to a 17 month old boy. At present I am a dress size 20 and weigh 15st 4lbs. I will be attending meetings on a Tuesday afternoon after a referral from my GP and after 17 months like this you can imagine i'm eager to get on with it lol.
I wont bore you with my life history and why i have managed to get myself here in the first place so i will some it up as simply as i can:
I plan to follow the plan and introduce more activity into my life, summers coming up so long walks in the park will definitely be on the cards
Eat smaller more healthy meals and stay within my point goals, actually eat breakfast in the morning and drink more water (means no more pop and sugary juices for me)
So in terms of goals I am looking to reach 9st 7lbs with the help of Weight Watchers and eventually work towards my ultimate goal of 8st 7lbs. At 5'2 this would put my BMI in the normal weight range
. Its going to be a long road but I am prepared for the challenge and can not wait to throw my maternity clothes out for good and stop having to wear my partners clothes because nothing of mine fit comfortably.
2013 will be all about skinny jeans, leggings, dresses and fitted clothes
Well I've properly bored you enough at this point so I will love you & leave you and will be back to post once my first meeting arrives
Some of you reading this may find this slightly premature as I have not yet attended my first meeting lol (currently awaiting my information in the post) but I thought I would take this time to get acquainted with you all and give you a little bit of an insight of why I am here and who I am behind the title of Hopeless Dieter2012.
First of all, thank you for taking the time to open this thread. My name is Kara-Alicia, I'm a 22 year old trainee midwife (still studying) and a mummy to a 17 month old boy. At present I am a dress size 20 and weigh 15st 4lbs. I will be attending meetings on a Tuesday afternoon after a referral from my GP and after 17 months like this you can imagine i'm eager to get on with it lol.
I wont bore you with my life history and why i have managed to get myself here in the first place so i will some it up as simply as i can:
Previous College Lifestyle+Pregnancy Gain+Contraceptive Injections= 214lbs that is me right now!!!
So now we have established why I am here I will fill you in on what I have planned in terms of this new lifestyle change.
I plan to follow the plan and introduce more activity into my life, summers coming up so long walks in the park will definitely be on the cards
Eat smaller more healthy meals and stay within my point goals, actually eat breakfast in the morning and drink more water (means no more pop and sugary juices for me)
So in terms of goals I am looking to reach 9st 7lbs with the help of Weight Watchers and eventually work towards my ultimate goal of 8st 7lbs. At 5'2 this would put my BMI in the normal weight range
2013 will be all about skinny jeans, leggings, dresses and fitted clothes
Well I've properly bored you enough at this point so I will love you & leave you and will be back to post once my first meeting arrives