The weight loss is going great, everyone is doing sooooo well! Good luck Boo for later xx
I have lost 3.5lbs today, not to shabby for week 3.
Remember to add your results to the weekly weigh in thread in the stickies under our team...its always good to see our loses everywhere in black and white lol Just copy and paste the person above you in the thread I have linked to and add your name and weight under Team 3 xx
Hi team everyone is doing so well :grouphugg: ,I have 5.5lbs to add to the pot which Im pretty pleased about.Total of 18lbs in 3 wks :bliss:roll on wk 4..
my dad came to visit (hasn't been up since i moved in, in may) and took us for lunch (harvesters) and then once he was gone i was in the 'i've already screwed up im going to do it some more' so i had pizza for dinner. but got back on it the next day 100% for the rest of the week.
i feel a bit bad though because my scales were super expensive and measure every little thing i weigh. hence the odd 1.8lb loss, whereas most peoples would be 1.5 or 2, but i feel as if im losing out if i round down and feel bad as if i making it up if i round up so im going to stick to my odd numbers.
great stuff everyone, I'm weighing tomorrow, been at my parents so gone from three story house to bungalow and not had to run round after the boys but didn't give in to mum's yummy meals so we'll see, I did walk to the post office every day about a two mile round trip so shouldn't be too bad tomorrow xx