Where did the weekend go?
I am absolutely shattered and in need of a weekend....and it's only Monday
Had a busy weekend....good, but busy. It was Cynara's 40th birthday on Saturday (cychina) so had plans for the evening - dinner at a very funky muslim restaurant then out dancing. Had to get a new pair of jeans as my skinny jeans that I bought at Christmas had turned into baggies

, so out for lunch with Eiriana's best friends family, then the girls went to play and I shopped

Thought I'd take a look in Miss Sixty for some jeans....yea!!...they fitted me, but....woooowwwww, almost 300 pounds

for a pair of jeans....oh no...so I headed to the market and got a pair of fab looking Dolce and Gabbana's (either fake or stolen

....who cares!!!!) for a tenner!!!!!
Got a really funky sweater, some new leggings and some nice undies from La Senza too.
Had a lovely evening, even though I was quite late!

Food was delicious and although I did have a little bread to eat with the humous, I stuck mainly with meat (a lot) and salad. Oh, and the absolutely delicious coconut and chocolate birthday cake!!!!!
Had a couple of glasses of wine and two bacardi's and coke later on at the club. When we walked into the club, I kind of sunk....really pretentious, yuppy style with house music, not my scene at all....but I shook myself up, told myself that if fun was to be had, then it was all in my own beholding, so jigged a little and headed home for around 2-ish. (Must go in search of a 70's/80's disco - much more my kinda thang!!!)
Sunday, darling husband was such a ....well darling, let me have a lie in, then we headed at lunchtime to his favourite noodle bar (I ate salad) the to the out-of-town designer outlet....was looking for a light jacket but no luck, just got a nice slouchy suit.....
So the losses for last week.....
.....down to 72.9 so....I need to post this to see my ticker a sec...
a 1.6 kg (3.5 lb) loss this week...am very pleased with that as you all know I have been eating AND it's TOTM
Great week to you all....seeing that loss has energised me....wooohhooohhooohhooo