I am so fed up with this bl00dy flu!!!!
I can't believe how long it's been hanging over me and I'm really not impressed! I'm feeling much better, still have a bit of a cough, and a gluey ear. Can't hear anything in my one ear.....really uncomfortable.....and a yucky, humongous cold-sore on my nose!!!
Moan over....well, the flu moan anyway! Felt bloated and really shattered on Thursday (public holiday on Friday just gone, so long weekend for everyone) really hungry....so lunch-time, had a tuna sandwich at the deli near the school. I resisted the both the cream for coffee and the little cookie with the coffee. Gave myself a pat on the back for that......BUT......cooking class in school in the afternoon, the kids made stick flap-jacks.....which I had to have a taster of!!!!
I was starving by the time I left work.....so what did we have for tea....oh only KFC

......spicy chicken burger, one cheese and prawn ball, a handful of chips and a sweetcorn salad....YUM!!!! I felt really guilty and really yuck afterwards....but I went shopping and bought a funky jacket and belt which helped to get rid of the guilty food feelings!!!!
Friday, we went to the park for the day. We rented a four seater bike and pedalled around....lots of fun and helped to burn off some cals. Lunch on friday was 'Ma la Tang'. Boiled veggies and meatballs with a super-spicy dipping sauce. We went for seafood in the evening, so quite healthy, prawns, mussels, flat-fish and some other things that I don't know how to say in English! (Or in any other language for that matter!)
Yesterday, my noodle-head husband was craving noodles, so we had a beef noodle soup for lunch. I gave more than half of my noodles to hubby, just eating the beef and drinking the soup. I also had a chinese medicine soup to rebuild strength and blood. Very sweet with honey
I went shopping (this seems to be a bit of a habit for me eh?) while Xiao Zhou took Eiriana to the playground. Bought a new bra, a couple of long sleeve T-Shirt tops, a thin cardi and a nice black shirt....spent loads of money though...i think I should stick to the markets!!!!!
Dinner last night was Beijing hot-pot....boiled veggies, lamb and fish-balls with garlic and sesame oil dipping sauce.
69.9 weigh in this week.....this last couple of kilo's is really taking it's time, but TOTM and quite a lot of food over the past week, so I can't really complain!!!!
Love to you all....