The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

Oh dear I can feel a biscuit urge coming on................. might have to get my girls to hide the remaining packs so I don't eat them!!!!
Here they are as promised!! Still a way to go but better than it was! :rolleyes:


  • fattrudy2.jpg
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  • slimmer.jpg
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Incredible trudy!! Thank you for sharing your amazing photos, you should be so proud - next time you get a biscuit craving just look at one of your snaps!! :) wowowow!
I think you should pin both pictures up side by side near the biscuit tin - you look FABULOUS and much more confident in yourself. Very, very well done on all you have achieved so far and I know you'll get to where you want to be weight-wise.
you are looking brilliant :D
PP day today
B - 2 muffins
L - Thai Chicken soup/strawberry mousse
D - Thai Chicken soup/turkey/3 muffins

A hard time at work today as feeling pretty tired at the end of the week and muscle sore from the sports massage yesterday. Mind you did lots of walking and lifting so maybe burned a few more calories!!! Day off tomorrow and looking forward to it - going swimming then out to lunch then the movies so should be fun! Looking forward to a PV day too..... Really hope the scales are in my favour this week - it's tough cos although I have stuck to it I feel like I have eaten loads and loads......... We will see, after the sts of a couple of weeks ago I am cautious to expect to lose every week!!! My Thai soup wasn't great - it's okay but I need to tweak it a bit more!!! Feel better from having done a photo of what I look like now as been avoiding it cos I was scared, was surprised that it was fairly what I expected!!! That's a first!!! x
Well WI today and have lost another pound which is fine - really don't mind how slowly the weight comes off now as long as I am moving in the right direction. Day off today so going to relax for a couple of hours this morning before heading out to lunch/cinema etc. Going to trust my self to go to chinese buffet in Gloucester - they do the cook up of veg and meat and fish in front of you so that is my plan for the day!! Hope I can avoid the rest of the fried battered food! I know I can just need the blinkers on. Made a batch of chocolate orange muffins this morning to take to the cinema - love WI day as it is the one day I allow myself a few tolerated treats before the week begins again with another PP day!! Thanks guys for your comments - even I can see the difference now!!! LOL
Here they are as promised!! Still a way to go but better than it was! :rolleyes:

WOW wow what a result!! WELL DONE on all your hard work I'm sure we're all very impressed!

Thanks for sharing.
PV day after wi today and I think I may have over eaten just a tad!!
B - ham and mushroom omelette
L - chicken/beef and prawn stir fry/strawberry mousse
D - beef/soy/ginger/swede and carrot/ 2 muffins and dukan custard

Had a lovely day, dropped Ben at pre school, came home and had a few hours watching morning tv and a quick snooze, then off to Gloucester, visit to the chinese buffet where I managed to stick to the stir fry veg and meat/fish which they cook there and then for you which was lovely - I did have one or two glances at the other stuff but wasn't that tempted!!!! Then rushed to the cinema to watch Puss In Boots, only to find it wasn't on today = one v disappointed 3 yr old!!! Cried his way back to the car bless him but soon cheered up when I let him watch a DVD and so we headed back to Hereford and went shopping instead!!!! Must stop shopping but the fact that I can go into any shop and pick up off the rail is soooo exciting that I can't help it and I did have the perfect excuse cos I needed to get some gym stuff for my spa trip next week!!!! And don't you just LOVE TK Max????Got some great Reebok gym trousers that suck in your legs and tone them at the same time, a lovely slouchy Calvin Klein jacket and some toning trainers to match!!!! Then I spotted it.......the most perfect dress on the clearance rail.............size 16 ..........knew it would be perfect and it was................SO excited............ just love it!!! A total bargain at £15............ now need to find somewhere to wear it!!!! Have the photocall for The Sound Of Music next Tuesday so maybe then but tough one as don't wanna look like I'm trying too hard!!! Would have been perfect for Valentines night if I wasn't rehearsing!!! GRRRRR! Those who read my diary will know I already bought a LBD on Sat - hence the urgency to STOP buying clothes - today also found me in possession of a lovely red top and another attempt at a brown top which actually is yuck so can go back asap!!
Note to self - I don't need any more clothes!!!!! LOL! Well still need a top to go with brown trousers but....
Came home and went swimming with Ben - he is coming on in leaps and bounds since changing to arm bands> we were leaping in off the side of the pool and I laughed out loud thinking how I would never have done that six months ago - the aim then was to get in the water asap and stay there till the dash to the shower! Soooo much has changed in the last six months - I am a lucky lady!!! x
That's fab trudy :D I bought yet anouther dress today... Much sleakee shape so hopefully should suit me better for friends wedding in 4 weeks eekk
Shopping must be in the air then Ellie!!! Does the dress fit now or is it one to slim into in a week or so???? x
I'm hoping it fits now lol, I ordered it online as I liked it returns if it doesn't... Hubby taking me into Aberdeen city centre this weekend shopping so will get something there if it's no good
I'm delighted to have found your diary Trudy, and I'm enjoying getting to know more about you.

As for the photos, wow! You look so different!

Photo of you in the dress? (See how demanding your public are?)
Even if I'm not shopping myself I love hearing about other people's bargains - wow you had a great shop. :D