The food break week

Food Break Week

Hi Everyone,

I have been on the exante diet for nearly 4 weeks now (on Monday) and I know it is clearly stated that you are meant to have a food break week after 28 days! Well im now coming up to my 28 days! I have lost 18 pounds now and I am unsure what to do, so I am asking for some advice!

I have previously done LL and never had to have a break on that so I just dont want it to affect my weight loss!!

Has anyone tired it and still had a loss that week???
I personally dont bother with the add a meal week, if my losses on TS started to slow then I might try it to shake my metabolism up a bit but otherwise I wont be doing it.

I know people on here who have lost weight while doing AAM and I've also know people who have STS or gained while doing it.

So whether you do the aam week is totally up to you, if you feel you need it then go for it but if you're happy carrying on then that's fine too.

Exante only recommend a food break because we aren't being monitored by a councillor like others on other vlcd's.
I'd been on 100%TS for 5 months and lost 5st. Hadn't had even 1 day off. I wanted to lose more that way. My results were very good but nothing different than anyone's who did AAMW. I lost a lot of my hair. This is one of the side effects on this diet. It doesn't happen to everyone. I red a lot about how this diet works, what happens in our bodies during it and so on. Then I understood that my hair loss was pretty obvious. But this is me. Everyone is different.
This time, during my part II 100% TS journey, which I have just started, I am going to have AAMW. I will do it to see if my hair will stay okay this time.
I don't want to lose it cos it's long and I do like it. The funny bit: I've got massive amount of new hair growing now. And my 'old' hair is long to waist line plus all the short 2,5 inch new hair, makes it look kind of phunk like:)
Anyway, whatever you decide is okay. Like BB said, you can go on without it and see what happens. Or you can add one day AAM day from time to time when you need, for example, when meeting friends, going out, birthday party and so on.
Best luck you you all guys! :party0011::party0011:
BB, I am one day behind you!!! Can you feel my breath?
Food Week- Purpose of it?

Hi all

I started Exante yesterday and so far, so good! I've been thinking ahead and wondering about the food week- not because I'm looking forwards to it, but quite the opposite!

I am not new to VLCD but want to make this the last diet I ever do! My main reason for choosing VLCD was the fact that food is taken out of the equation all together. I recognise that at some stage I will have to address my eating habits to ensure lost weight is not regained, however this food break frightens me a little as temptation will be there. I have no self discipline!

I remember with CD, you could go longer on shakes alone than the 4 weeks like with Exante...what is the purpose of the break and has anybody skipped it??

Thanks in advance!
the food week is added more often on exante as the nature of it means there is no one who monitors your health and progress on exante , on CD you have someone keeping an eye on you , on exante you dont . It covers their back incase you become ill and a lot of people dont do it as often as they suggest , although that is personal choice
It also seems to help. On a VLCD your metabolism slows down, hence feeling cold. By adding a meal on week four it can boost your metabolism and then you lose even more weight. I have tried doing it and missing it; for me adding a meal when I need to - ie away from home out, at social things and when feel really fed up and bored out of my mind with wonderful vanilla - seems to do the trick. When I first started a tried to add a meal for seven nights and failed after three.
The science is sketchy but there is no conclusive evidence that a continuous VLCD is harmful but as has been said above Exante err on the side of caution. No counsellor, no essential medical check, no public weigh ins (this of course is why I love it!) - so just to be safe, add a meal. I did this for eight months and never completed a week of adding meals but some days WS. And it worked.

Hope this helps

What happens after 4 weeks?

I have read somewhere that you should have three packs PLUS a meal. Is this recommended or is it a must?

Also- what kind of stuff do you all have?

Jem xxxx
Yep it's between 400- 600 Cals on a meal or snacks, exante reccomend you keep it high protein low carb, the reccomend it every 4 weeks because we aren't being monitored by anyone, on other vlcd they say 12 weeks because there's someone there to make sure your ok xx
I know it sounds weird but I feel quite worried about having food choices lol. Even after a couple of days on just Exante packs I am quite freed at not having to think about food and make decisions. I have done low carb before so I know what I should eat but I'm just worried I go off the rails when real food is an option.
I don't do it, however I know when I did Lighterlife they recommended making the shakes with.milk for that week which gives you the extra calories but not the "food" . I don't think its compulsory to do.
HMurphy said:
I don't do it, however I know when I did Lighterlife they recommended making the shakes with.milk for that week which gives you the extra calories but not the "food" . I don't think its compulsory to do.

I have recently read the most up to date research on VLCD. I am now even more convinced that adding a meal is a good thing. It seems long term - so four or more plus weeks on TS is risky for a number of reasons. Temporary hair loss is more likely as is protein loss and muscle loss. The most compelling reason to add some food is the fact that the metabolic rate slows down considerably. A small high protein meal now and again can boost the metabolism, reduce health risks and even help weight loss. I found seven days adding was too much but now and then worth it.

It's up to you of course , that's what is so good about Exante but I think adding a low carb, high protein meal now and again is generally a good thing.

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I didn't quite like the idea of also...I'm afraid if I stick to the strictness for 4 weeks then I will be like maniac octopus during the break, I kind of like the idea of NO food, NO choices but understand the concept of why it's needed.
I read on some diet site that in order to not allow your body to go in a kind of starvation mode and hold on to your weight (apparently new evidence suggests it takes much longer than first thought for the body to realise, if it even exists at all) you have to break whatever diet you are doing and change things, it can be for as little as 1 day then your body gets confused in a "oh ok she's not trying to starve me to death" way so when you get back to the diet its like starting again = better weight loss, healthier metabolism.
The diet I read was called re-fuel or something but they had a day every week where they ate what they wanted...absolutely anything. The ones that went wild had slower loss and had gained from their naughty re-fuel when they jumped back to the diet so the next times they ate relatively good and noticed big losses again. Personally I'm an all or nothing kind of girl so I would find that way too hard, I have to banish all naughty things when I diet or I fail.
My AAM week starts weds although I might postpone it for a week, I'll see how I feel on wednesday! I intent to add a meal at lunch rather than dinner- probably a chicken/ ham salad for lunch.
Fakefrowns,,, am loving your ticker..hopeing thats what it is the girls getting slimmer on your signature - where did you get it? Lisa x