The Good And Bad Of Last Night's Meeting

For our SOTW basket, we can bring ANYTHING that's free on red or green, not just fruit, which I think is better (and easier). So we can bring cans or packets, eg rice, pasta or Mug Shots - anything that will not 'go off' in the heat in the hall. So we CAN bring fruit, or maybe a few veg. or even diet drinks - though in reality there is usually a lot of cans of baked beans!!!

We now leave something in the car in case we forget. The one week we DID forget, and I was quite upset - couldn't put in a Hifi Bar, that wasn't 'free' - guess who won the basket...!!!

So, if YOU think think this is a good idea, why not suggest it to your Consultant?
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If you've worked hard and you're coughing up your hard-earned cash for the meetings then, dammit, you deserve all the stickery, papery bells and tinselly whistles going! It's a shame that the substitute did such a lousy job - surely a big part of their role must be realising how important the little rituals and rewards are in the scheme of things.

I hope you get your just rewards next week. And many congrats on such a fab weight loss in so short a time!