colly strings
ooh la la
Wow!! Brilliant losses so far! I predict a biggie for your first week!
A x
i hope so! anything below 278lb is lowest i've been this year
Ooooo colly looks like you're in for a big one come next monday (I was tempted to add some gutter talk on to this seeing as you more or less advocated it yesterday but I stayed strong and just wrote this instead )
hahaha oh i see how it is, now you look like the good one and i look like the gutter trash, don't sink to my level then! fine! thanks though. i am keeping my fingers crossed that i really am in for a big one. the bigger the better
Sounds like a good first week
i hope so, its really spurring me to carry on!
Well done
thank you lovely!
That's a brilliant loss Colly. Well done.
Happy to report I didn't die, become confused or lose consciousness by having a drink last night - well unless you count falling asleep! In fact not so much as a headache this morning. I don't advocate anyone else doing this as I've had many years of practice which is why it didnt effect me
and thank you too
i'm happy you reported that too, i dont want you dead! you feeling better today sweets? i do hope so