Fuzzy you are more than welcome - get the spray one and keep it on you - use it at need

you wont overdose on it
T you CANNOT do that to me I want a PM with full details of yarns costs and patterns to be knitted - then I will do the same for you
I have been and got some lovely noro yarn that I will be making into a wonderful pattern in one of the sublime books
I have some of this in a purple lilac
Gedifra Filorosa Knitting Yarn, Knitting Patterns and Wools from Pavi Yarns UK Online Wool Shop
which is going to be a twirly scarf for my daughter
I have some thick chunky in smokey colours that will become fingerless mittens for her BF
today I am going to a little yarn shop in a nearby town to see what I can get to make a poncho it needs two thread together of aran weight
I have just made a little hairband with a flower on for a baby girl I know
right I will stop boring others that are NOT knitters and share how I feel today
today I am feeling a little 'lighter' in mood not weight
I was going to do a DD today but its now going to be a med day
I really dont think I can go the the next town and then walk back (7 miles) with my friend and her little boys on a dd
I have been reading a new book that a friend gave me and I loved it
not everyones cup of tea as the genre is fantasy and about a girl and her developing magical talents its part of a trilogy and I am now about to start part two
I am so looking forward to today - been a while since I have felt like this
must remember by b vits