I'm also losing hair like something chronic! When I wash it in the morning I always have handfuls of hair and I'm finding my hair all over the place! I know its a 'side affect' and cant say I'm happy about it ! LOL - I cant imagine your Dr being "happy" you're on this diet. I've seen the slim and save on here actually.... have you considered Slimmingworld? I know you're probably worried about integrating FOOD back into your life - but it is a inevitable task. My consultant phoned me on Monday to ask if I'd consider being a consultant. She said business is booming! Thing is - I actually work a full day job already and not sure how I could fit being a consultant into my lifestyle (also being a single parent)! To become a consultant I'd also have to pay a joining fee of R2500 and go on a course.... what I may consider is just discussing with her a finders fee - so IF I send someone to her, she gives me a percentage of that persons purchases?
PT, I found that once I started eating, I found it VERY difficult to get back onplan! I'd say, when eating out - a) stick to high protein/low carbs and substitute where you can, for veg/salad...??
I went out to my friend (the bride) for dinner last Friday and she made pasta! Told her it was the first time in 6 months I'd eaten pasta! OMG IT WAS DELISH! LOL!!! So when you're at Italian, just watch the types of sauces.... and also ONE meal wont do much, if any, harm. Be kinder on yourself.
I too would LOVE to lose another 3stone (ideally) - but have lost my mojo and am kinda "happy" for now, where I"m at - which is still overweight, and not an ideal BMI, but its alot better than I was 25kgs ago!!!!
I went on another date last weekend!! He was lovely (but a bit too old for me - 18years older), but I just didnt feel attracted to him. He's made an attempt to contact me and I've kept it kind and polite, but really he's not my cuppa tea. Pity, as I really could've done with the lifestyle he lives! LOL!
I hate dating. I hate the first date - but I feel so much better about myself and my body (even though I've got a while to go, the men I meet say I dont look overweight!).... lets see.....I'm not desperate, but I would like someone in my life.
Kids go back to school on Monday after 3 weeks holidays. Gonna be a difficult one getting up early again!