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My consultant said a little bit of skimmed milk each day won't do you any harm, she said I could have 2 cups of coffee a day with a bit of milk in, I haven't had any yet, saving it for if am really struggling x
My consultant said a little bit of skimmed milk each day won't do you any harm, she said I could have 2 cups of coffee a day with a bit of milk in, I haven't had any yet, saving it for if am really struggling x
Just had a dark mint choc bar. it was absolutely vile! won't be having one of them again for a while. been laying on my sofa all day feeling a bit sorry for myself! but I will continue7 weeks til holiday. xx
My favorite bar is the chocolate one in small pieces straights from the fridge.... Just like a mars barI also like the lemon, cranberry and toffee ones mmmmm.
Just think in 7 weeks time you will be so chuffed you have stuff to the plan and will feel and look amazing on your holidayxxx
End of day 1 SS
had a lazy day, didn't have my first shake until 12. so it's been ok. hopefully the next few days will be better as I'm trying to make plans. the scales said +5after my birthday bonanza lol, really hoping that will be gone in a couple of days xx
Well done you on a SS day completed, the +5 is not true weight it's water weight and the only way to get rid is to drink loads of water over the next few days. You'll be finexx
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It amazes me how hard it is mentally to get back into the non hungry zone after being off plan, stick with it chickxx
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