The Kid Henry's diary

Another half a stone gone. It's really flying off, even though i've knackered my knee again and am not excercising at the minute. Strict eating because I know I have to.

Actually it's not so much that I have to, more that I want to.

So much more positive about everything these days.

Keep trying people, you've only one life. Make a difference!
I now weigh 15st 7lbs

- 1/2 a stone under my goal weight a month before my target date.
- Total loss of 5st 9lbs
- Loss of 3st 7lbs since May (5 months)
- Lowest I've weighed in my adult life by 2 stone!


The most exciting part is that I still don't really know what my healthy weight will be. I always presumed it would be about around 15.5 - 16 stone because i'm 6ft and have quite a wide frame.
But looking at the fat remaining on my body i'd say i's looking more like 14-14.5 stone will be my healthy weight.

I've got another knee operation coming up in 3 weeks. After doing the rehab for that, I should be ready to go with some high energy exercise in the new year.

Hopefully getting back to football & boxing. I can't wait to play football again.

Bring it all on!
Well i'm down to 14stone 8lbs now. That's a loss of 6stone 8lbs from my top weight of 21st 2lbs.

From size 40 to size 34 jeans.
From XXXL to L in shirts & polos.

What a feeling!

I may have another stone left to lose. I can see the beginning of stomach muscles coming through although I still have some belly to get rid of!

I can remember when I felt a bit off/a bit groggy/ a bit not myself on a night out about a year ago, I looked at myself in the mirror of a bar toilet to see a fat, lightly sweating run down man looking back at me.

I did the same recently when I felt a bit off colour, I looked in the mirror and saw a healthy young man looking back at me causing me to be absolutely beam. The night was going to be a cracker anyway because I was with friends whom I absolutely adore, but that moment could have turned a terrible night into a superb one!

The physio (post knee surgery again!) has given me the nod to start running on soft ground again from next week. So that should open up a whole new avenue of fitness.

I was right when I posted back in August, this is the big one. and I've almost done it. My god it's been worth it!

I never realised how much I used to miss out on. It took losing all this weight to realise it. I used to turn down nights out where I knew there'd be lots of people because I couldn't deal with any attention. Now i'm more than happy to be the centre of attention (on occasions, i'm not an attention whore!)

I rarely spoke to women because i felt awkward and embarrassed, even though i didn't really realise this until now. What a change - I'm now getting the mickey taken from the lads because I spend a lot of my time on nights out with their girlfriends and other women! The amount of confidence when you feel fit has absolutely astonished me.

It's such a good story to have as well. Oh by the way I lost 6stone and 8lbs and it's completely changed my life!


If you're reading this and wondering if you should start, or why you can't lose weight. You can, I made it the most important thing in my life and it worked. Now I'm reaping the benefits and it's absolutely amazing!

7 Stone gone now!

I've moved onto Interval training in an effort to lose the rest of this weight. Boxing & Exercise bike being the order of the day.

Aiming to have a body I can be proud of on the beach when I go to Ibiza this summer!