So, just had a cruise in the diary section and saw angie-bum's post which resonated very deeply in my head
So let's talk about head games... and weekends
Just had a read through the last 3 posts and YUP - I recognize myself setting up an excuse for the weekend.
It started with the Thursday wooziness - Am I eating enough, Am I not making myself sick? etc.
Friday - My husband and my son went on a 3day weekend ski trip, my daughter is away as well - Oh goody, I don't have to be in the kitchen... yet I am! even more so than necessary as I was working from home...
2pm - full blown TGIF syndrome has set in, I've already had one curry and cut up and frozen a chocolate coconut bar in bits
4pm - bar all gone, so that's 2 packs down one to go
6pm -my water is done - check
I am still working and I have a lot still to do before calling it a day... And i'm thinking how everyone is out and having fun and feeling sorry for myself.
7pm - second curry eaten and I hit panic mode because I've basically only 2 packs of it left, the rest are shakes, soups and noodles packs which make me cringe when I think about them
I immerse myself in work and 3.5 hours have passed!
Then the mind games start, rationalizing the extra pack because i worked long hours, because I felt faint the day before, because I'm tall my body couldn't possibly sustain itself on 3 packs... because ___( fill in the blank - I went through the whole gamut of excuses). So to the kitchen I go and decide to try the coconut shake with my husband's Promixx blender - so here I am, having rationalized that 4 packs are better than cheating (yet there is nothing in my house worth eating anyway).
Result :
Disappointment all around - what kind of toy mixer is this?
Should have known that a 2 AAA battery operated apparatus wouldn't make anything creamy out of water and a pack of 100% PURE chemical tasting powder
Nothing was right about that last pack - the consistency, the taste what about that shake tastes creamy or even of coconut? (marketing ploy if ever!)
I decide to chuck it out (well the last 1/3 of it), brush my teeth and continue my work upstairs.
Went to bed late - but guess what? I survived Friday night which is my personal weakness...
Was it worth it? NO
will it effect my weightloss? Probably not
Will it happen again? Probably so, but I will be able to truly see the signals of me setting myself up, and find ways to prevent it at least do some damage control. Which is important to me when i get to the maintenance part
OK ramble over!