Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

Hi Bev,
Have just read all your thread - you are such an inspiration!!! :worthy::worthy: diet wise and parent wise!

Can't believe you have been around since discovery home and health days - I have too. You are so right about it going quiet - everyone is sooooo supportive on here and its invaluable.

Its lovely to see some new and old CD'ers on here. I'm restarting tomorrow - have been to see my new consultant today and she is a dream! I can really see it happening this time getting to goal and beyond!

Hopefully you don't mind me hanging out on your thread xxx

Jess, you're kidding! We'd love to have you join in :D It's amazing isn't it how a good consultant can make such a huge difference to your success.

Hey! Glad to meet a fellow old timer from Discovery H & H!!!! *Gosh. We've been here forever then lol Let's get this done! :D

Thank you so much for such an amazing compliment on my parenting. Thank you. Quite simply the moment he was born I watched my heart flop out of my chest and start running around, squalling, pooing, crawling, talking.... existing outside of my body. He is my heart. And boy does it make me appreciate Mum & Dad.... I'm their heart (or one third at least lol)

Are you all set for tomorrow? Can't wait to see your first weeks' loss! I find that so exciting (simple minds, I know :rolleyes:). Keep us posted and fully updated, please xx
I just caught up and I'm speechless! What a terrible way to spend New Year's Eve! I'm so relieved your son is safe and sound.

Oh thank you Kira xx It was last year, but I spent this year on tenterhooks until he got home safe and sound!....... And the biggest victory? I didn't eat as I was anxiously waiting! :D

He's totally fine (read: typical 15 year old with no concept of securing his own safety and oblivious) - I've been haunted by it for a whole year though and don't see the paranoia going any time soon. :confused:

Oh man. Imagine when he starts college, or goes to uni? I'll be stalking the poor lad from behind bushes in camouflage gear hahaha :D

At least by then I'll be slim enough to fit in spandex a la ninja stylie :rotflmao:
Oh man. Imagine when he starts college, or goes to uni? I'll be stalking the poor lad from behind bushes in camouflage gear hahaha :D

At least by then I'll be slim enough to fit in spandex a la ninja stylie :rotflmao:

Haha! We would want pictures then. The whole story sounds like something from a TV drama - must have been horrific. I'm sure all the nervous energy is very fat burning. Sounds like you have raised a very sensible and sensitive boy.
OMG Bev!

What a horrific experience for both of you! And brave to ever let him out again after such a trauma! He's a very lucky boy to have such a devoted and brave mum! Glad this year was incident and food free! Come on 2014 I have a good feeling about this year! X
Haha! We would want pictures then. The whole story sounds like something from a TV drama - must have been horrific. I'm sure all the nervous energy is very fat burning. Sounds like you have raised a very sensible and sensitive boy.

He really is. I not only love him, but I really really like him as a thoroughly decent, kind hearted person :)

How's your day been? It's the final countdown to the big reigniting, huh? xx
OMG Bev!

What a horrific experience for both of you! And brave to ever let him out again after such a trauma! He's a very lucky boy to have such a devoted and brave mum! Glad this year was incident and food free! Come on 2014 I have a good feeling about this year! X

Whoop whoop!!!!! :D Me too! xx

I KNOW!!!! He's frigging lucky he's seen daylight this year! Tell him! He doesn't get it! Lol
Oooh now you've done it Bubbles! The nagging will commence in the morning :D This is so exciting! Just think how much you will have lost by this time next week!!!! Welcome aboard honey xx

I look forward to your nagging :)
...... Must remember that darn water........ I tried to sneak squash into the equation but my consultant wasn't having any of if!! Oh well, let's see how it goes. I can't wait to get back on the scales actually :)

Ohhhh Ms JessicaRabbit I remember you! Hiya! We're getting this done and keeping it off this time around!

You bet we will!

Jess, you're kidding! We'd love to have you join in :D It's amazing isn't it how a good consultant can make such a huge difference to your success.

Hey! Glad to meet a fellow old timer from Discovery H & H!!!! *Gosh. We've been here forever then lol Let's get this done! :D
Im up for it as long as we can all keep each other company!

Right Day 1 is here - Im 2/3 of the way through and so far no side effects - thank god! I've started a diary aswell and will flit between here everyone elses diaries and be honking on the 100% forum.
Here's to 2014 being our year!
good morn miss bev

im back a day early no less, slightly bloated and ready for a bit of festive tum blasting so didn t even need stalking to get my tail into gear! didnt get up til lunch time (felt very teenage) so figured this was a good day to start. i said january was the month to get down to my personal goal and damn straight i mean it. will still go to the gym just reduce the intensity so my inca train can continue.
lets get these our goals in the bag
good morn miss bev

im back a day early no less, slightly bloated and ready for a bit of festive tum blasting so didn t even need stalking to get my tail into gear! didnt get up til lunch time (felt very teenage) so figured this was a good day to start. i said january was the month to get down to my personal goal and damn straight i mean it. will still go to the gym just reduce the intensity so my inca train can continue.
lets get these our goals in the bag

Well done Jen & welcome 'back' :D I look forward to is all completing our goals this year! xx
Right Day 1 is here - Im 2/3 of the way through and so far no side effects - thank god! I've started a diary aswell and will flit between here everyone elses diaries and be honking on the 100% forum.Here's to 2014 being our year

Loving the positivity Jess :) I'll look for your diary - it's such a useful tool to keep looking back on during the journey, isn't it? And is great your on your way....
Hey sexy :)

Just checking in. Happy new year!!!!

Been busy at work and just haven't had the time to post.

Although have just read up on your diary. Omg! Cannot believe what you lived thru last year.

Hope all good with work n Cambridge. Will be back online properly next week.

Take care and talk soon!

Hugs xx
Hey sexy :)

Just checking in. Happy new year!!!!

Been busy at work and just haven't had the time to post.

Although have just read up on your diary. Omg! Cannot believe what you lived thru last year.

Hope all good with work n Cambridge. Will be back online properly next week.

Take care and talk soon!

Hugs xx

Hi Bonkers :D Good to hear from you honey! World: I'd like you to meet one of the few people who lost weight over Christmas (while eating! Lol) :worthy: You rock B!

All's good here.... Just "sippin' and shaking" :cool: Back to work on Monday, so just enjoying lazy mornings, reading as much as I like, bullying SB to revise for GCSE Mocks, and hanging out with the gang on here. Same old, same old.

Sounds like your work is manic at the mo, do give me a 'knock' when you get back xxx
My head is finally back in the game. Apologies for being so absent, but I can talk about this now...... I had a bit of a serious health scare (with my sore, swollen knee which has been plaguing me since February with increasingly Painful and difficult mobility) on the 20th December and was sent for an emergency MRI on the 30th (driving 28 miles for it was no flipping joke let me tell you!).

I've finally received good news (of a sort) - there's more surgery in my immediate future to remove a mass growing on the inside of my right knee, but it's not the worst case scenario ..... How that will work with the new job and the existing surgery booked for the 14th Feb I don't know - but at least it's not the worst. I'm so SO relieved. Words can't explain. Thank you Religious Diety!!!!!! :D

So my head is now fully back in the game. To be candid last night was an epic fail, diet wise, as I knew I'd be hobbling to the Musculoskeletal unit or accosting the physio team in some manner for my results TODAY I couldn't sleep ..... So succumbed with full malice aforethought to spicy piri piri chicken........ ahem. A lot of chicken. It was either that or hit the booze which may have hindered any emergent procedures (or so I rationalised - see how we tell ourselves stories? If I really believed that I'd have fasted instead!) So it's day 1. Again.

Sorry to keep spreading my endless dramas. I just wanted you to know why I've not been as 'present' as I usually am.

Two shakes down, 2 litres down and I'm doing okay. This was a hiatus, a pause, now to finish this plan once and for all xx:)
A lot of chicken is still better than 2 bottles of wine or three loaves of bread! Which is what I would have had in addition to the chicken! Glad you are back on track today! Hoping its easy day 1 as opposed day 1 being hell. I have experiencing both kinds of day 1 on vlcd!