Soooo there's bad news and good news.....
My lovely and much loved Uncle died last night after his two year battle with prostate cancer. He won, and he gets to rest.
It never rains, but it pours....... I'm so so glad Sunshine Boy and I got to spend some quality time with him during the period of my Dad's funeral. Dad loved his baby brother so much and his baby brother adored us .... And we loved him. Man. I've been so loved and so lucky with the love of my family, my Experiences, my parents. So blessed. My Uncle was such a feature of my childhood and all my memories of him are wreathed with golden light and smiles. At 76 he had a good innings and lived it clean, with integrity, and well. Enough said. In fact how much more could be said of any of us? And the love goes on.
So last night I text my "Earthlies" (thanks for a new phrase skydragon) - real world friends-, including RC, who has suffered his own losses over the last couple of years, and got some beautiful messages of love and hope
*Good news alert* I would love to take credit like a ballsy valkyrie but that wonderful man beat me to it! He started texting again first thing this morning with "per ardua ad astra" and the messages got lovelier from there *sigh* (yes, I had to look it up - what did we do before g00gle? "Through struggle, to the stars" - Air Force motto, but for a former military man this is romance
So we're going back and forth, back and forth and he was a real comfort.... Then.... dum dum duuhhhh ( dramatic music! Whaddaya mean what was that?) he asked me out to dinner.... This Saturday! Yes, the very same 'this Saturday' my family are coming down. D@mn. So, I explained.... And suggested we get together for Pre-valentines dinner and drinks. Ha! Told you I'd do it
Well, he kind of took the plunge himself but still.... I helped lol
It feels like perfect timing. You only live once, right?And I will not be shuffling off this mortal coil muttering"what if"! So great loss, and great excitement within the same 24hrs - you're right Clinquant, the universe gives us what we need when we need it - watch this space!
And more importantly, you know what this calls for don't you?
very odd day of mixed emotions all in all.... Off to go sit for a bit and be sad and quiet. SB needs some time & attention too. Be well xx