Joining ye again... can't remember my old usernameit was 6/7 years ago!!!
I started at 14st10lb and went down to 11st before 'falling off the wagon' with a bump on CD, the weight stayed off for about 2 years but crept up again... to 15st 10.5lb :cry::cry::cry:
I'm getting married in June so it's do-or-diet time... day 2 on CD and I'm struggling! :sigh: actually ate a small apple tonight... I'm back to zero again tomorrow(!) I need the motivation - so here I am...
Congrats on on the wedding always a good motivator. Get through the first 3 to7 days and it a lot easier, it you are going to crack I'd have an egg or dhicken as even a bit of fruit can knock you out of ketosis and then the whole horrible process of getting back in has to start again
good luck
hi flare you are getting it tight and no mistake! but just think where you were even a week ago and there are plenty of reasons to be cheerful. ok excercise is going to have to take a bit of a back seat but not for long and the diet head is returning don t you dare go gettin dispondant
its going to be alright
Hope you are better Flare?
First WI this morning and whooop! 9lb down! So, so, so chuffed! Onwards and downwards! How is everyone doing?!