Afternoon ladies I hope you're having a lovely weekend.
I had a good start with Monday - Thursday going well, and then Friday night it all collapsed :sigh: Didn't get a proper dinner because of a late meeting so wine and oven chips came into play

Yesterday went out for a curry and drinks with friends (I did have seabass which was delicious & I don't eat nan bread so that's something I suppose). But finding something to wear was just traumatic last night so I had one of defining moments when I realised I really have to stop being weak and take control so i can wear my favourite red trousers once again .....
It all adds up to a disaster and I've undone all my hard work this week :sigh:
This morning we went for a walk and clocked up 3.32 miles - not much but better than nothing and I'm going to push hard this next week to get back on track and get my lardy arse into the gym endeth this weeks lesson in self loathing .......