The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

I found some, after several pots which worked out around 120 while pretending to be low fat, I got some weight watchers mango (49) and pineapple (57). Flavours I like in 120g pots - yippee. I've liked yogurts since I was a teenager, but only certain flavours so I am hard to please.

I still haven't had any breakfast, I'm putting it off as long as possible. I just walked to the supermarket, must be about a 2 mile round trip, so I fell a bit more lively if still somewhat fragile. Did you walk to work again? I hope you're right that this is just temporary, and I know I shouldn't get on the scales, it's just that when I let my weight creep up a few years back I avoided the scales with a head in the sand attitude. So now I try and make myself do it on the grounds that it has happened anyway so I might as well know the worst. I am trying to drink water, but it is plain nasty.

You've already lost 40% of your gain, that is great. Carbs are my problem too, I ought to try and vary the protein/carb balance on different days, it is supposed to be a really effective ploy. But while I frequently fancy a carb treat I don't think I've ever thought "what I'd really like now is a crabstick".

What is your job? Presumably you are in front of a computer and they don't mind you logging on. I've got a break in September too, end of the month is our anniversary and we usually have a few days somewhere. The plan is to have reached my goal by then, fingers crossed.
When I walk, it's only part of the way and simply avoids my changing metros. This morning I spent too long tickling fat tummies in the kitten basket so didn't have time to walk. I wonder why the little boy cats ADORE lying on their backs kicking their legs in the air while I tickle. (The one female doesn't do this!)

I'm going on September 7 so fear I'll only just about get down to where I was before this latest blip before I leave, and won't have time to have a slow carb reintroduction (will take Karion's advice on this; she's an expert!). As you say, it's never a crabstick we fancy when in *that* mood... From next Monday I'll be back to alternating calories which, for me, inevitably also means alternating carbs. I hadn't thought of it that way but a higher calorie day for me will include muesli or potatoes or something, not a cake - wasted calories.

I'm a legal secretary and things are very quiet at the moment; holidays, stock market etc. Not complaining. I stay logged on, wander off to work, return. Yes sitting on my butt all day which isn't the best!
Having just been handed a cup of coffee I neither asked for nor wanted I have sat and worked it out. 20 calories. OK, that doesn't sound much, but multiply it by the 7 times a day he does this and we have a problem. I have been refusing them all day, this time he didn't ask, just did it. I will sip a bit and tip the rest away, but I am cross.

Playing with kittens is way more fun than walking, they are such entertaining little things. You don't have very long to wait for your holiday, mine is 8 weeks away and will only be for a few days. I am sooo hoping to be at goal by then, but I've said this so many times now.

This carb thing is a dificult one. I did try doing carb cycling but the protein days defeated me before I really got started. But, for what it is worth, here is the pattern:

Carb cycling
Day 1: Eat 3 Carb Meals and 1 Carb/Protein Mixed Meal
Day 2: Eat 3 Carb Meals and 1 Protein Meal
Day 3: Eat 2 Carb Meals and 2 Protein Meals
Day 4: Eat 1 Carb Meal and 3 Protein Meals
Day 5: Eat 1 Carb/Protein Mixed Meal and 3 Protein Meals
Day 6: Eat 1 Carb Meal and 3 Protein Meals
Day 7: Eat 2 Carb Meals and 2 Protein Meals
Day 8: Eat 3 Carb Meals and 1 Protein Meal
Day 9: Eat 3 Carb Meals and 1 Carb/Protein Mixed Meal
Day 10: Repeat Cycle starting from Day 1 again...

It is supposed to be an eat till you are satisfied approach, low fat naturally.

I'm not surprised August is quiet, with the "exode urbain". Lucky you don't have compulsory holidays, I would hate that. I got my program drafted and checked, justs needs building, rechecking, and then the tests. Tonight I have a meeting so no time to sit thinking about food. And I am cooking my strange version of lasagne, will report tomorrow if it was edible!
Morning claire, and a bright and sunny morning it is too,

I love Fridays as I start an hour early to finish at 5pm, an hour earlier than usual (to race home, grab our bags and cat(!), join the traffic jams to get out to the country, hopefully arriving at around 9pm at the house).

I know exactly what you mean about those unwanted calories; I suppose you dislike black coffee? I switched quite easily about five years ago and still always refuse milk, even when "eating", for fear that I'll have trouble going back! My OH and I had words earlier in the week on prawn salad evening; he was intent on cooking them in *just a little butter* and garlic. Fine, for his ones, I said but not mine! Voices were raised! They can't understand, can they! OK the little bit of butter he was planning on giving me wouldn't have broken the calorie bank but it's a little here, a little there, and I adore butter and prefer none to a little anyway!

Thank you so much for that carb reintroduction plan. I must admit that I don't understand it at all, so will ask for detail on that (ie what do I eat!) when I'm there.

See my ticker - have lost 10lbs in four days which is rivalling CD losses no? hee hee! From tomorrow, I will be increasing my calorie load else I'll get stuck here, and from Monday alternating again.


½ grapefruit (30)
small boiled egg (70)
1 yogurt (55)
= (155)

6oz salmon (300)
+ veggies only in salad (50)
+ spoonful piemontaise salad (50)
1 yog (55)

Snack later 1 apple (70)
= 525

Ham 5oz (250)
+ egg (70)
+ veggies only in salad (50)
spoonful coleslaw (50)

Snack later 1 peach (40)
= 460

totalling = 1,200 ish with little ss milk in 2 x tea
What's a piemontaise salad Joanne?
As for the carb intro. I think I would just add a slice of bread to one of the meals for 3 days in a row. Check weight. If all is well, add a bowl of cereal or a small jacket potato for another 4 days.

Check at end of the week. If it's still going well, add another slice of bread or bowl of cereal. If not, just keep it like that for a week before gradually introducing more.

Very small careful steps
The whole carb reintro is puzzling to me as I do normally eat my homemade muesli most days for breakfast. This yoghurt, egg and grapefruit thing is a recent discovery - when I discovered how many calories I "saved", without being hungrier during the morning!

From next week, I'll be having it four times a week for breakfast (with a few Fitnesse flakes on top so that it crunches better!), so that already will help possibly with these fluctuations. I'll add some potatoes in too, as hopefully we'll still have some to dig up...

Thanks for your help Karion. The "croissant fairy" did beckon this morning but I fought hard and came straight to work sucking a mint... the smells when you pass a boulangerie are very cruel!
Well done on the weight loss, and the restraint - I'm impressed! The carb cycling is meant as a weight loss rather than a carb reintroduction programme. I did try it but protein only meals are hell for me so I failed. Talking of failure, my rise of yesterday has stayed with me, despite my being mega good. I kept under 470 calories, you'd think such a small quantity of food alone would budge the scales, but no. I have mused about changing diets, but I don't think it would make a difference. Increasing exercise has got to be my answer, which means organising myself rather than drifting. And keeping going, I know lots of people plateau for weeks or months before losing again.

It must be lovely to think you will be in country idyll by tonight, shame the traffic is such hell. Is you cat happy travelling?

I am trying to get used to having my proper coffee black, but we only have filter coffee first thing, otherwise it is instant. I regard them as two different drinks really. I would rather not have instant at all than have it black, so that is what I am trying to do. The chard lasagne worked well, not much like the real thing but something else to do with the stuff. Men really don't understand, if they want something they can't see why you don't. My DH couldn't live without coffee, he gets really tetchy and difficult.

It is supposed to be an UD today, but that would make tomorrow a DD which is not ideal for a Saturday. At the moment I am being indecisive, maybe I'll have an intermediate day. It looks like we finally have some summer, so this weekend would be an excellent time to get the windows painted (yuck - boring).
Protein only meals wouldn't work for me either. I love meat so could quite happily have a mixed grill, I guess, but I'd still expect a mushroom and tomato with it (would that be ok actually?!)... otherwise I can eat as much meat as anyone will put in front of me, as a real carnivore, but I'd need something with it!

Persevere Claire. The 1.25lbs is still with you, but it's only been 36 hours, so don't think of changing anything just yet. I see your point about weekend and DD. Not good. It's actually VERY unfortunate for us alternators that there are an odd number of days per week! I shall have Mon, Wed, Fri as 1,000 days, Tues, Thurs and Sat as 1,400 days and then Saturday, hmm... perhaps I shall have a normalish day but have some vanilla icecream this weekend on my plums! I've been told by a neighbour that she has loads of mirabelle plums for me (those little yellow ones). I adore plums and (chanting to myself) I will not make a pie, crumble, jam, clafouti, whatever...

Like you, instant coffee is a different drink altogether. I drink both black but admit to finding an expresso too strong like that, so always add hot water to it. I remember when I first cut sugar out of tea and coffee, when I was about 14. That was hard, but I never looked back. Cutting out milk in coffee was easy too. (Not in tea, I hasten to add). Just the thought of being able to have [whatever] to EAT if I didn't drink six x milky coffees, and I did like mine milky, did the trick!

Our cat is an excellent traveller. OH is supposed to ensure she uses the litter box within an hour of travelling, but he's often vague on this, yet no accident (yet!). She sometimes has to run when we get there though, awh! She hates the part where we carry her in her travel box from the apartment down to the carpark, and cries constantly, but once in the car with a blanket over her box she sleeps all the way... the odd miaow, but I hold her hand through the front door and quieten her.

Remember my kittens, just LOOK at this. Three weeks old. The little white one in front is the one we're going to keep (wish I could have them all!):


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Awwww, they are so beautiful, it must be hard to tear yourself away from them. It is surprising how well cats take to travelling. Our old cat used to love going places in the car when she was young, she wouldn't stay in a box but stretched out on the parcel shelf and watched the world go by.

Tarte aux mirabelles, mmmm, I remember that from holidays with my penfriend in Alsace. And fresh plums, or cooked with a little wine and spices, lovely (especially with ice-cream or cream, why do we always want to add the calories?).

I don't get on well with loads of protein, I have mild ibs so try to avoid anything that might prompt it. I think the only way protein only meals work for weight loss is either by ketosis (like in Atkins where you do it all the time) or because nobody likes just protein enough to eat a truly excessive amount. Have you ever looked at the Dukan diet? Supertoinette has a subforum where post loads of recipes, it is an alternating protein and protein/vegetable diet. It is where I got my bran galette recipe.

Black coffee is a difficult one for me but I am trying. Like you I haven't had sugar in drinks since my teens, once you give it up you can't imagine how you ever liked it. The research showing caffeine affecting insulin sensitivity wories me slightly, so I would be happy to cut down of coffee, and I don't drink tea. Unfortunately it means trying to drink more of the dreaded water, or squash.

Alternating days has its downside, usually I have all weekend up but I swapped last weekend so that I could go out Wednesday night. Which leads to confusion this weekend, I can't have three UDs in a row but I don't want Saturday to be a DD.
The kittens are so cute. Awww.

As for the uneven days in a weekend. I have the perfect solution!!!

Sleep for one of them, then you only have six to take care of.:rolleyes::rolleyes::D
Great idea Karion, LOL. As things have turned out I've decided that today will be a DD, hoping that I will push the scales downwards. Not that anything I do seems to help at the moment, but no plateau can last for ever and I can console myself that I am eating every other day so it doesn't seem like an endless fruitless diet (just an intermittant fruitless diet!).
Good morning!

What a shame, claire, having a DD on a Sunday! Sunday used to be the day I had a free for all, while maintaining, so I still find it an awkward one. I did let myself eat lots of fruit yesterday, while OH picked at "other" things. Lesser of evils.

I had a lovely albeit scorching weekend in the country and turned into a real bumpkin picking my own beetroot, spring onions, tomatoes, lettuces, green beans, carrots and parsnips! Best of all, neighbours gave me a HUGE boxful of plums (greengages and mirabelles), as they emptied their trees before the storms hit today (as I type thunder and lightning is overhead!) so plums will figure highly in my food plans this week (or as long as they last)...

So the plan this week is to increase the calories, include some more carbs (root veg included) most days, but have lower and higher calories over the week (plums permitting! but at least they *pass through* quickly, ahem!)

B: 6oz plums (80)
small boiled egg (70)
1 yogurt (55)
= (205)

L: 5oz chicken (225)
+ veg (50)
branston pickle (40)
1 yog (55)
6oz plums (80)

later 1 apple (70)
= 520

5oz (frozen!) fresh tuna steak (230),
+ salad (50)

6oz plums (80)
= 360

TOTAL: 1,100 ish
3L water
Hi Joanne
Sounds like an idyllic weekend for you, we had lovely weather too although it has gone downhill again now. Do you do any preserving of fruit? I hate making jam, sweaty sticky business and I'm not a big jam eater, but I make sloe gin and sloe and apple jelly. Mirabelles in brandy would be lovely if you have the time and inclination.

My additional DD was Saturday, days on Minimins are a rather vague timescale! It wasn't too bad, except that I didn't lose anything. So I pigged out yesterday and had a chocolate binge, the scales haven't risen yet so I may have got away with it. Today is back to the old routine of UD Mon, Wed & Fri, which is quite a relief. I'm still keeping coffee to a minimum and having a 470 calorie limit with carbs kept low and no carbs without proteins. Talking of which, I must go to the supermarket and stock up on prawns and diet yogurts.

I had a doctor's appointment first thing this morning and my blood pressure is back to normal. This is a big relief and I am wondering if it is related to my diet at all. JUDDDD claims that it brings health benefits and this would be a major plus for me. I had never had problems until last summer when my bp was up to pre-hypertensive levels, which came down a bit when I lost with CD. There is a history of high bp in my family so I am concerned to keep it under control but unwilling to take pills if there are other options.

My weekend was spent painting windows, still an outdoor activity but not as "earth mother" as yours. It is a job I really detest, and I still have a lot more painting to do at the front of the house. I have to fit it in while the weather is good enough so probably won't get any further this week.

My planned menu for the day:
Fromage frais (25g) and quark (25g) mixed with some chopped nectarine
Prawn salad, mini solero
Chicken marinaded in soy, ginger and garlic, salad. Yogurt.
I did try mirabelle jam last year (without looking up a recipe, just doing what a neighbour told me to do, and it didn't set! nor did hers. too much rain apparently, waterlogged fruits and so we'd have needed extra pectin). Like you though, I'm not a great jam lover and the rare occasion I eat jam, it has to be raspberry or strawberry!

Good idea cutting back on coffee. Quite apart from the caffeine thing, I have more room for water when I drink less coffee! At the weekend, we tend to drink more instant coffees and so my water consumption inevitably drops!

Sorry to hear you had a chocolate day yesterday and hope indeed that you "get away with it". You deserve to with such a strict day today. It's ironic that your UDs are Mon, Wed and Fri as they're my strictest days!

Re blood pressure - my Mum suffered from high blood pressure and as soon as she gained 7lbs, her blood pressure rose alarmingly. I have the reverse and mine was 90/60 last time measured! I thought it too low. Doctor thought it good! Do you remember what yours was? It could well be that those pounds you've lost, as you've a tendency to have high blood pressure, will make the difference to you.

Painting windows hmm. Something I've never done. Mine could sure use cleaning in the country though! Something I never quite find time (or inclination!!!) to do at the weekend!

have a good day. Fancy a plum? I've got millions!!
Oops, I wrote it down wrong, DDs are M,W F and UDs are T Th S&S! My blood pressure was 130 over 80, a lot higher than yours. They don't worry about the first figure too much, and I would say I am still a bit higher than I would like, but at least it is looking healthy again.

I've always found homemade French jam a little underset compared with ours, it may be what they are used to so the recipes are lower in pectin. I think our recipes traditionally added apple to weak setting fruit, and apples here are different too. I'd love a plum, they always seem nicer when they come from a tree you've met. Plum trees do attract wasps though.

Two homes does mean a double dose of cleaning I suppose, hadn't thought of that. With my domestic skills it wouldn't be too arduous, I always have something much better to do!
aaah yes having DDs on M,W and F sounds easier to me. As for your blood pressure, that sounds pretty perfect to me. Mind is low which has its own issues too.

Two homes = double cleaning? Oh does it?! Actually, our tiny flat in Paris is always spotless thanks to my lovely cleaner (who's currently on holiday!). Our large house in the country, hmm... that's my job and although I always seem to be doing surface things when we're there for the weekend, it never quite gets the treatment it deserves. Plus, with all the DIY / renovations / decoration that's usually going on somewhere, it seems futile! I seem to be fighting a losing battle...

I did plenty of housework this weekend, mind you. I found that keeping busy kept my mind off "what can I eat next?" thoughts, and prevented me even THINKING about turning those plums into a nice dessert!
Building renovations are appalling for making a mess, brick dust and sawdust get everywhere. Soot is the very worst, penetrates anything. We had to take down our bathroom ceilling a couple of years ago, the loftspace was inaccessible so we had to bring it down while we were in the room. The combination of soot, dust, rubble and general muck was unforgettable - despite wearing disposible boiler suits, dust masks and eye masks we still looked like coalminers after a 14 hour shift.
That does sound a nightmare! I think the worst dust downstairs that I've had was from sanding down the parquet floors upstairs. Because the kitchen is open to the staircase, all the dust from upstairs merely floated downstairs... week after week... long after the parquet was finished! Horrible!

How are you today, Claire? I really hope the scales start singing your song again soon...

My news is good (see ticker). I'm now officially just about in the "last stone" range again, so that's a relief. The bad thing about being this weight is that my size 14 trousers now start being too big yet the 12s are far too small. There seems to be a HUGE difference, particularly because my 12s I bought "skinny" type styles and are close fitting to start with, whereas the 14s (on loan from my sister, not my choice of style at all) tend to be low waists and more generous cut. I have to keep hitching them up!!

I won't bother with my calorie counting here, Claire, because it's nice chatting about the "dieting head stuff" with you, and I'll calorie count over on the cc board, where of course you'll be much welcome to give me input!
Hi Joanne, yes the scales have moved at last, thanks for asking. Now down to where I was a week ago - 9st 13.25lbs! Better than staying the same and I hope it means I'm off the plateau now. UD today so I can sample our homegrown artichokes - they are only small but DH is very proud that they produced anything at all in their first year.

Congratulations on your splendid losses, you've really seen off that holiday gain quickly. Hopefully the losses will continue and you'll get back to target soon. I think sometimes a break from dieting is needed to get things moving again.

Clothes are a real headache when the weight is changing fast, when I did Cambridge I started off in 14s, when they got very loose I bought some size 12 jeans which somehow got too loose to wear in only 2 weeks. I still have them and wear them occasionally because I am now a few pounds heavier. Buying trousers is a nightmare at the minute anyway, I hate those low rise things. OK they look nice on skinny teenagers with tanned stomachs, believe me there are not many of them around here, and rolls of fat white skin oozing over tight waistbands are not a pleasant sight. I'm thinking of buying some fabric in town today to make trousers, at least that way they will fit and I can adjust them as my weight goes down.

I'd love to see some pics of what you've been doing on the house and garden, renovation is very hard work but you get a real sense of achievement from it.