Re my neighbour: It's not really us there's a problem with. It was a young couple that lived up there, and in the last few weeks, there's been a horrific story in the papers. A guy cut off his gfs finger and forced her to eat it, and then imprisoned, starved, beat, burned, etc her - she escaped after 9 days, broke a window, and called the police. Needless to say, the police want to know if we heard anything as we lived right underneath them. Poor girl - she was not even allowed to see her mum, as her mum was christian and the guy was muslim. Have an awful bad concience right now - we never reacted to what we heard/saw/thought because.. well.. they scared us. And now I feel cowardly - I could have done something.
Have had a strange few days - ate some pizza crusts a few days ago, and my weight did strange things - am now around the same weight as on my ticker, so the only way is down now.
Other bits and pieces: Will be making chocolates this weekend for the boy's work, and also for christmas presents. Studying as always, my life seems to be spend miscroscoping, studying, eating and sleeping.
Have a great evening all
Lots of love