** Chief WITCH **
Claire - unless your weight is VERY VERY stable (which is unusual with water fluctuations, monthly and intestinal issues etc), and your weighing scale VERY accurate, I don't think 1/4lb is anything to worry about! I can vary a heck of a lot, as you know, but I see most other people do from one day to the other just for the slightest little thing.
PP is just for the day today. I've been PL'ing with 1 x fruit (ie not in ketosis) the past two days. Tomorrow, and henceforth, I'm back consolidating/stabilising, so can pretty much do what I like. I'm not back at my low weight yet, but feeling good at this weight too so not unduly bothered (funnily enough!). It just shows that there's a heck of a lot of mindstuff in this diet/weight/how we look lark.
I was late to bed (for me) last night by the time those penalties were missed, yet STILL forced myself to get up early as planned to walk to work (transport strike, no problems on metro though, but didn't want to change my mind so forced myself! Very glad too to have done it. I'll not walk home unless I have to - no sense in shortening one's evening unnecessarily.
PP is just for the day today. I've been PL'ing with 1 x fruit (ie not in ketosis) the past two days. Tomorrow, and henceforth, I'm back consolidating/stabilising, so can pretty much do what I like. I'm not back at my low weight yet, but feeling good at this weight too so not unduly bothered (funnily enough!). It just shows that there's a heck of a lot of mindstuff in this diet/weight/how we look lark.
I was late to bed (for me) last night by the time those penalties were missed, yet STILL forced myself to get up early as planned to walk to work (transport strike, no problems on metro though, but didn't want to change my mind so forced myself! Very glad too to have done it. I'll not walk home unless I have to - no sense in shortening one's evening unnecessarily.