The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

Sorry to have been MIA myself...

Claire - glad that all seems fine now... when you say you "binged", I presume you ate in company... which for me just means "socialising", not bingeing... yes? Just 3lbs over is great! You must have caught it nicely on time. The trouble is that there's always some water weight we gain and lose depending on what phase of our respective programmes we're on.

Tash - building work is a nightmare... kitchen building work? Double nightmare! In the country, we've pretty much finished all we can afford to do to the house, and have decorated throughout, EXCEPT the kitchen. I just can't see how to live through that mayhem... I think I'll stay in the city working, letting my man do his own thing. The kitchen cupboards, for instance, while not to our taste (because white and modern) are fine so won't be replaced but my man wants them all down to decorate... (and what if they break as most "white and modern" things tend to if you touch them?!) I don't think I could watch that happening! And where do I put everything? Ugh! The thought of it!

Kitten is now fine (of course!) and R has some fabulous bruises to show for his experience. I'm alone this week as he's visiting family in your country so I'm staying vigilant for obvious reasons. I'm feeling strong though, and because of the intense heat here at the moment have been sleeping no more than five hours a day, walking further and further on the way to work because I've more time, and so have had no problem with food (yet...). Thankfully storms due soon, and rain this weekend grrrrrr, because I don't think I could bear any more over 30°C weather! The cats are miserable too in their fur coats!

I know I wasn't allowed to make noise when I was a kid... how do you cope Tash? I think often that parents seem to have the knack of "not hearing"... when I ring a friend with a young child who cries or yaps in the background, it drives me mad yet they seem able to differentiate between the two voices... unlike me! It must be something transmitted to pregnant women!! Oh that and tolerance!!
Dentist trip went smoothly, he didn't do anything but has made two more appointments to get the broken tooth crowned. Tash, I have missed dental appointments before now, my memory is so rubbish these days. Great that you are getting your building work done, and that relationships are better with your ex, does make life easier.

Joanne, bingeing for me was overeating in company, I don't really do the secret eating stuff. Are you enjoying having some solo time? I always like that for a limited period, wouldn't appreciate it all the time. Glad the kitten is doing well, poor R, he'll have to keep explaining what happened. Hope the storms break without too much damage.

I must dash off to work, tgif.
Personally, I don't consider "overeating in company" to be binge eating in the slightest. "Normal people" who never diet or yoyo can eat nice meals, and compensate automatically before or afterwards...

For someone with an eating disorder as I freely admit I have, the notion of eating secretly is what binge eating is all about... eating when not hungry, secretly, hiding wrappers etc etc. Been there, have the tshirt, and am ashamed to say "revisited the experience" last night just before R returned from the UK armed with fresh cream cakes and pork pies (at my request!) so of course they followed too... (no wonder there's an ever growing obesity issue in the UK: 4 x fresh cream eclairs for £1!! A malt loaf for 20p... crazy crazy world!!)

Anyway I'm over it now, and won't dwell on it, but will ponder on the whys and wherefores...

"Poor R, he'll have to keep explaining what happened." <-- the rotter told everyone it was ME who'd hurt him! Fortunately they know him well enough to realise his warped sense of humour!!

How's everyone today?
Hi, rather a late visit from me I'm afraid. Started my job proper today, which keeps me a little later, I finish at 2.45 officially, although I left a bit earlier as I didn't get a lunch break. My colleague is on holiday so I have to do some of her work too.

I don't think I have an eating disorder, just get urges to eat too much from time to time! I know I have phases of wanting to eat a lot, and other phases when I don't want uch, unfortunately they don't quite balance out. You are right, food here can be ludicrously cheap, although good healthy food is way more expensive than sugar and fat loaded trash. There is definitely an obesity problem though, just going out in the streets you see the majority of people around are overweight.

Not sure what the scales are doing at the moment because I haven't weighed for a few days, but I suspect nothing good. I'm planning a very restrained salad tonight, and have been studiously avoiding the cake tin.
So what are your hours now Claire? I forget (sorry!!).

I'm certain that you don't have an eating disorder, Claire... I can tell by certain things you say and do... you, like all normal people, have certain tastes towards more fattening foods but you rectify things immediately and so would never let things go as far as I once did... thankfully!!

I gained a kilo, but am concentrating on the positive side of that (ie, I ate some delicious fresh cream cakes and a pork pie - neither of which I can buy here... I didn't need to follow those with 2 x jam sandwiches (on square long life English bread!), but that was silly of me. Oooh and the treacle sponge could have been left in its tin on its shelf - it wasn't doing any harm there - and did I really need to cover it in golden syrup too? Ah well - nice memories which have me smiling now (and hopefully won't send either of you to your food cupboards to do likewise!!)... I confessed all to R afterwards, and he remains in marvel at how much I can actually put away when I put my mind to it, and how good I am at hiding everything while going through an "episode".

All well now though so looking forward to my healthy lunch
Hi, this week seems busy at home as well as work so I'm struggling to keep up. Balancing my salad in my left hand as I type. My hours are officially 9-2.45, with half an hour lunch break, but since I can't take my break until 2.00 it seems a little pointless. So I'll be renegotiating for 2.15 finish with no break.

Joanne, I think you are keeping your eating very restrained. I wonder if the odd days of excess are a reaction to the restrictions of the rest of the diet. You know how you used to be tempted so much on Sunday evenings just before you went onto the stricter regime of weekdays? Sort of last chance thing - just a thought. You have learned to get things under control quickly, you don't wait until it is a two stone gain, so while you may feel eating will always be a problem it is one your are keeping on top of.

I am having problems with my bike, it has developed a very loud and annoying squeak (embarraassing too) and we can't work out how to stop it. I may consider getting something else for everyday use and just keeping this one for holidays. Not that I will ever be a keen cyclist but it is handy for work and I feel I am improving my fitness without it taking much longer than the drive does.
I'm out of the house from 7.30am to 6.30pm so I'd take your hours any day!! But I think you then have to "clock in" to your "other job"?

Ironically Claire, on this Phase 3 (which I had to return to having put myself back into ketosis in May after the big binge period), I'm actually eating carbs plus 2 x 3 course meals a week... so it's probably the LEAST restrained I've been in years! I'm going to put it down on having been alone 10 days, during which time I really did apprehend losing the plot, and this happened as R rang to say "back in an hour" and I knew he had cream cakes etc (so I just errr started early?!). I am trying to look on the positive side though, because once the old guilt sets in, I can continue eating... again ironically!

The only problem my bike has is doubtlessly a thick covering of... dust! Good for you for sticking to it, if you don't like it. I'm now walking further on my way to work (hence the earlier leaving home in the morning) which is very good for me also... some people I work with set their alarm clocks later than I leave home, but I like having some "me time" on the computer before I'm being paid!

Wow Joanne, your hours are long, don't think I'd want to do that. Though no doubt you earn a lot more than me, but I prefer to have more free time and less money. We own our house so don't have a mortgage or pay rent or anything like that so our lives are relatively easy. I do help in the business when I get home if necessary and I do almost everything about the house. I leave home about 8.30 and get back somewhere between 2.30-3.00.

It's good that you are eating carbs again, I think the broader our diets are the better. And our bodies get used to it I'm sure, and hopefully stop thinking that every bit of fat eaten should be stored. The gala meals sound enjoyable, is R still doing this with you or does he eat whatever he pleases? I'm still JUDDDing along, sometimes eating a bit more or less depending on how I feel, it has become natural to me after all this time.
ah my official hours for which I'm paid are only 9.30am-6.00pm but I leave home very early in the morning to walk 30-45 mins, and still get here early enough to do my personal stuff, have breakfast etc., before being expected to work!

We were woken at 5am by an incredible storm over the City which lasted almost two hours! With the wind, thunder, lightning, rain AND two cats crying on my side of the bed (partly in fear most likely, mainly having seen my eyes open thought "BREAKFAST"!), no chance of getting back to sleep... After the 33°C we had here yesterday, at least the air is breathable again.

Protein day today so not very thrilling "meals" but nice ingredients (seafood, prawns, chicken, steak...). R joins me when it suits him. After his week in the UK, his weight is up, so last night's gala was restrained (just a corn on the cob extra to norm - banned normally on this diet so has to be considered "gala"). He covered his with butter, I enjoyed it plain. At the weekend, we'll have a few treats on Sunday night but he'll need to get whatever he gained off (and I noticed he'd undone his top button last night when watching TV and hidden that fact!!!). He's good when he has to be and loses fast, and doesn't worry unduly when the weight is there either...

Nearly hometime, sun shining, so hope the storm doesn't return (1/2 hour ago it was flashing wildly again! Apparently 140,000 homes are without electricity! Not "here" though)
There's quite a difference there, I work from the moment I arrive at the office, even though I always get in 10-15m early. While they wouldn't actually mind us doing stuff online for ourselves there is just too much work to get done. I have plenty of time at home to do all that stuff anyway.

33 is way too hot, our weather is still muggy but cloudy and showery. I'm surprised the cats are so scared of thunder, but they do like to get a response from people. Cassie is finding the nights too hot, I sponge her with water to cool her down and help us all sleep.

Mmmm, I love corn on the cob, we have some growing which should be ready to eat soon. I need to start planning my meals more, my old habit of deciding each night what we would eat doesn't work so well with my current working hours so I may have to start menu plans. It would make it easier to get David to help if I knew what we were going to eat and needed to buy.
Yeah I don't get on the computer at home... after 10 hours here, just not interested! I do spend time during the working day on a French forum, as you know Claire, but obviously wouldn't/couldn't if I had enough work to do! Very quiet here in August.

Good weigh in this morning, so planning some malt loaf and a cake at the weekend! They're just so not as good if frozen and defrosted! I am rather partial to malt loaves!

Yes I think planning is rather necessary once busy... I pretty much shop for the same basics each week, and potential five main meals return each week, with weekend ones being more based on fresh fish or meat I find... easy peasy then to grab what you want from the freezer in the morning, and know it's ready to grill / papillotte or whatever in the evening. At least this "healthy eating" doesn't require elaborate cooking!

Much cooler here today... almost brrrr in fact... Off to the house in a couple of hours, so can huddle by the fire tonight ;) (people always laugh when I tell them we light the fire in the summer, but the house is chilly when we arrive each weekend; shutters all closed; 70cm thick walls... so we light it then progressively move our chairs away, remove layers of clothing during the evening! So double fun!!!! :)

Tash... ???

Shopping... hello :)
After a very busy weekend I'm quite glad the week is here and I have a bit more free time! My bosses are away for two days so it was really quiet at work, although one had to ring me from the airport to get some files forwarded by email. My colleague is back so I have company again, which I prefer.

I am not a fan of malt loaf, I prefer spices to malt. The cream cake sounds good though. My weekend was rather more food orientated than I intended, I did loads of cooking in the hope of getting ahead for the week, then I ate too much because it was there. Homemade biscuits are not a good idea, I need a recipe which just makes one or two, not a couple of dozen. Weight nearing my upper limit this morning so I need to be careful for a couple of weeks.

Did you have a good weekend? It has been quite cold here, with lots of rain, so I haven't done anything in the garden. I ordered a new bike on Friday, should arrive tomorrow. It has fullsize wheels, which the folding one hasn't, and should be a comfier ride with less strain on the knees I hope. And it will be faster, and while I don't care about speed it will mean getting home quicker.

I must go and get on with things, I have rather too much still hanging over from the weekend, work and housework and a load of those annoying little jobs that take up too much time.
GLAD THE WEEK IS HERE AND THE WEEKEND OVER?!!! Good gracious me! I hope I never say that! (Mind you - you are at home and I'm STILL stuck in an airless office... not quite hot enough for the airconditioning, but no air outside so windows open and muggy...). No great heat this weekend, but "nice" weather to be out without jacket... LOADS of veggies and I brought in a TONNE (literally!) of green beans to the office today.

Thanks to (yet another I know) Bank Holiday here on Friday, I'm off to the house Thursday lunchtime (took 1/2 day to avoid traffic issues) so not long to wait...

I've pulled a muscle (or similar) in my thigh and am hobbling! So silly. Have no idea what I did, if indeed I "did" anything, but it came on gradually and by Saturday night I could only get myself upstairs with the assistance of the hand rail (don't laugh - old age comes to us all!).

R came out with a classic this weekend, when I was moaning. Something he'd heard on the radio: "if you're over 40, and wake up without an ache or pain somewhere, you're dead...". Charming! So on that note, I shall hobble on without seeking sympathy but it's a bummer for my exercise routine, which I'm sure helps me eat more and keep stable!!

I swapped malt loaf for a cinamon bun which was delicious! U.S. things, similar to our hot cross buns, and so delicious toasted! Yum! Biscuits and things cannot be open in my vicinity... freezers are good for keeping them away from me!!

No weighing for me today - no point after Sunday munchies!

Ouch for the pulled muscle, not due to anything you did "in front of the fire" I hope! It usually helps to massage the affected area, helps the muscle produce whatever it is that lubricates them within the sheath. I'm always getting aches, mostly from dancing, which is silly because it is supposed to keep me healthy. It probably does in the big scheme of things, I know it keeps my back from seizing up totally.

Cinnamon buns sound good, the stickier the better. I haven't done any yeast baking, other than bread, in a long while. It requires more willpower than I possess to be restrained when faced with a tray of hot chelsea buns. Even tonight, when I meant to just make chicken pie, I had leftover pastry so had to make some jam tarts. The excuse was some excess pastry and jam in the fridge which needed tidying up. At least they can't be eaten hot for fear of scalded mouths.
aaah the leg feels so much better today... I'm honestly not sure whether I pulled or strained a muscle (or whether a nerve was caught?), but in any event it caused me some anguish! Nothing worse than not knowing what was what, and having lost a friend this year to a DVT, I admit that it crossed my mind (although obviously have no idea what one might feel like, in the depths of the night, one's mind wanders...).

Yes that is rather ironic that dancing causes aches and pains... fortunately my speedwalking does not - must be the Reeboks which help me bounce on the hard pavements - so I shall be glad to do a (shorter than usual) burst tomorrow morning. I actually nearly dozed off after lunch yesterday which I'm convinced was due to my "never quite woke up properly" state yesterday!

Gosh jam tarts! No I certainly could not bake such a thing. Even quiches these days I make without pastry - it's a D***n thing, to use cabbage leaves or even smoked salmon as the base and put virtually anything with your onions and eggy mixture... very nice too!

In fact, I can't bake... I'd simply eat my offerings, whether good or bad, but keeping a cake tin full of cake just wouldn't happen... the odd stray crumb might remain in the morning!! haaaaa!

2 days before returning to the country... not that I'm counting! ;)
Good to hear the leg is recovering, it's hard to know what causes these things but such a relief when they pass. I've no idea what thrombosis feels like, how tragic to lose your friend like that. When dancing restarts in September I will be all aches, no matter how much I intend exercising over the summer I never do it. Although I have been using the bike for work weather permitting. Talking of bikes, my new one arrived today. Good thing David had volunteered to put it together, I would not have had a clue. It will take a bit of getting used to, and some alteration of seat and handlebar heights until it is really comfortable, but it promises to be a good ride, much smoother than the folding one.

I do sometimes make a pastryless quiche too, but chicken pie is not the same without the pastry. Often I use filo dough, but this time I used good old shortcrust and miscalculated quantities, hence the tarts. They are rather nice, not something I would eat several of at once though. I'm not too bad with cake either, one slice with coffee at 5.00 and I'm happy. But biscuits - ahh, there you have me, I can crunch down any number of them.

A long weekend sounds blissful, we get a bank holiday at the end of the month, then nothing until Christmas (oops, I used the C word, sorry).
The C word is absolutely fine to use in my presence in August... I'm a big C baby... :) Love it! Love preparing for it! Talking about it! haaaa! Shame about the calories, mind you...

I think my bike came in one piece! Because I've not ridden a bike for about 30 years, I've still not found the right comfort and am constantly having R raise and lower the seat (much to his consternation!). You've given me a great idea though - perhaps it's the handlebars which are too high or too low! R will love you for THAT suggestion ;)

We still have one BH between August and C... Two actually - both in November, but one falls on a Saturday which isn't very fair eh?! France at least marks the end of the 1st WW with a day off, and a ceremony at each memorial in every village. We'll ironically be in the UK at that time, so will miss it... (I'm told the UK does too, but since most would be at work... at that time...).

Anything sweet, or freshly baked, I could and would simply polish off unless it was chained down... that's me:)

oooh left leg pain completely gone so I did my 30 minutes fast walk this morning... Phew! I didn't like feeling like that for no reason! 1/2 day tomorrow so should I omit to post, speak Monday and have a good wkend!
Hi, I was late getting on here today, can't think where the time went. I didn't ride the new bike today as I want to check a couple more things before using it in earnest. Saddle height is a problem for me too, I have pathetically short legs (to go with my fat thighs), and my feet don't reach the round when the saddle feels high enough. But higher handlebars make it feel a bit more comfortable. I have a soft saddle plus a gel cover, and I have to say that regular cycling must firm the nether regions as I don't get sore any more (which I did when I first started cycling again).

We have Remembrance day when old men put on their medals and put poppy wreaths on war memorials. It is getting to the stage there aren't many of them still mobile, and I wonder whether the event is worth continuing. It isn't as if the world has learnt anything, leaders still start wars and people still join armies. If only we could go back to the days when the leader had to be out there at the front it might make some of these stupid men change their tune.

Have a great weekend, Monday rolls around all too soon. I have no major plans, just to get a few more little things done around the house. I'm also on a mission to buy some black trousers for work, and can i find anything I like? Nothing anywhere seems to fit properly, so I'm strongly considering making some. Like I need another project.
I must buy myself a gel filled saddle thingy... because despite the humungous proportions of my rear end, there can't be enough padding in the right places! ho ho! I haven't been on my bike this year! (And the rain forecast this weekend ought to save me from same also!)

In our village, we make a point of attending the short service where the names of villagers who died in WW1, 2 or the Algerian wars are listed... (small village, few names... must take ages in larger villages!). There's then a vin d'honneur at the Mairie. The first year when we attended, some expressed surprise at seeing "les anglais" there, so I hastily reminded them of why!

It's not easy finding black trousers... trust me, I've been looking... (white purses seem to be extinct too!). I have black tailored winter thickness trousers, and black jeans, but I have been looking all summer for black cotton trousers without success... even casual styles...

Making trousers? GOSH! I'm impressed! I'm into knitting baby jackets at the moment... I enjoy knitting; it keeps my hands busy and my mouth empty - both a good thing!

Have a great weekend!