9st 9 again this morning. Trying to cut down massively on my sugar intake. Since I had a ridiculous weekend, consisted of burger and chips for lunch on Friday then met friends and ending up eating in GBK!! Could have had a salad I suppose but its freezing so I had burger and chips for the second time that DAY!!! Insane, and the worst thing is, I don't even like burgers that much. The lunchtime was a "salmon and shrimp" so hopefully slightly healthier and I had a grilled chicken one in the evening. But still! Then over the weekend I scoffed an entire pack of sour patch kids (pure sucre) and a bag of terry's choc orange segments (my nemesis). DIRE! Anyway I need to buck up my ideas as a) my stomach is so squidgy and as I am so pale I am looking more and more like a doughy snowman and b) I have my exam rapidly approaching and am feeling so run down, I cannot afford to get ill.
Yesterday's food..
Oats so simple porridge pot 213
Banana 95
Jamie oliver fish cakes x2 181
Brocolli 52
Beetroot 11
Feta 275
"Love life" Puy lentils and quinoa 222
Rocket 7
Olive oil 100
Sleepytime tea 0
TOTAL 1,156
Plus taking my multi vit+ iron and a calcium supplement as my nails have been atrocious