my old ones used to do that, though I got on mine this morning and got 2 different weights, and they are usually fine.
Grrr it's so annoying. Would have loved to have gone with 10st 5lb, but knew it wasn't right. Looked online, and seems like loads of people have problems with the scales I have. That's why I got a new non-digital pair. Also thinking that if I can't see the tiny increments (my digital one went to eigths of a pound) I may get less obsessed with the numbers![]()
Feeling blue today.
I seem to have real problems around food, and I don't know why. All I've had today is some crisps (5 syns worth) which was such a bad choice. Absolutely nothing healthy or nutritious about it. Also, the last week, I seem to have fluctuated. Upwards. Even with a flexi-syn day, my calories were below maintenance, so there's no reason why I should be gaining. I keep going through phases of thinking I'm fine as I am, then thinking about how horribly fat my body is. I basically seem to be regressing to my 16 year old self. It's taken some control to not indulge in the binge-purge cycle. And I feel guilty for wallowing - it's not like I have any real problems, I'm just letting myself get obsessed.
So I totally did NOT hold out til next week, and bought a new non-fancy basic set of scales, which I will use consistently. Weighed in at 10st 8lb on these, which I am happy about, but am worried in case these ones weigh light! (I know the other set weighed heavier than a couple of other pairs I have used, so hopefully my new ones are accurate).
Anyway, hoping for another 2lb loss for next week (26th June) which would take me to 10st 6lb.
Had a pretty good day foodwise.
HeA: soya milk
HeB: bread
Superfree: banana, pineapple, red pepper, onion, peas, tomato passata
Free: potatoes, natural soya yoghurt
Syns: peanut butter (5) jam (2) mince (1) fry light (2)
round down on 1/4 and 1/8 are my motto, never round upI ignore the eighths when it suits me to do so!
:bighug::bighug::bighug:I think it's catching!Hope you are working through stuff hon you have my email if you want to chat x
YAY congrats on the loss and which ones did you get? I have been hopping on the scales then on the Wii and then back on the scales....urgh!
Which soya yoghurt is free? Back on SW again,don't normally have it but I am curious and would give it a try if it's free. I do get some for hubbie so it may be one I already get?!?
What mince are you using (wrote mice then - strewth!
) LM is free and the best one. Was RealEat but they bought it out and thankfully didn't change the recipe. If you cook it and then put it in the food processor it makes it even smoother, only way I can eat it lately. Gone off so many things. See you are still loving the sausages! I have never seen the free ones. Have you?
Thanks - was going to post in your diary today about the issues we seem to be having. I think it's a really good idea if you can go back to SW and follow the principles without getting too scientific with it. I was really struggling - loads of years of calrie counting means I pretty much know the count of everything, and find it hard to switch off that part of my brain, but I'm managing a bit better now. Also, new scales helped for two reasons. 1) The old ones were broken, and it was confusing me that I'd be putting on weight. 2) I got mechanical scales, so there's so specific incremental measurements, just a more vague number, which helps, as I weigh myself, think it looks close enough, and get on with my day instead of worrying about the 1/8 of a pound!
Thanks for your e-mail - nearly did get in touch the other day, but then ended up working really late and just crashing out when I got home. I saw a lot of food, mainly meat get thrown away, and it really got to me, and I said to someone how much it upset it, and they were like "Yeah, cause meat is expensive." And obviously it's the waste of life rather than the ££ that got me upset. I was getting down about the non-veg world in general, and thought you'd be the best person to chat to!
I got Salter bathroom scales - nothing special, about £8. I thought they might be weighing low, as they were lower than my old ones, but my friend weighed herself naked first thing, then later fully dressed after eating at the doctor's and there was only a 3lb difference, so I'm going to stick with mine - it seems pretty accurate, maybe a pound lower than the doctor's if anything.
The yoghurt is Alpro Soya Natural. It's good - all round pretty good statistics actually, low fat, low carb, decent amount of protein, low sugar, low cals. Very tasty too, especially with fruit stirred in. The mince was Asda's own meat free one. Found a great huge listing of all the vegan products Asda does. After reading some comments about their cleaning products etc though, I think further investigations may need to be done as to whether I am happy to shop there.
I have never seen the free sausages - and not for lack of trying, either! May end up buying them online, but synning the other ones probably helps moderate my intake, so who knows.![]()
Well done on your loss!![]()
So close now to your target. whooooop! I never knew that Alpro was freeeee?! Seriously? Well that's the one I get so that's good to know, cheers. Never knew Asda did a list, or isn't it an official one? Yes steer clear of their own brand toiletry/cleaning etc products they are on the boycott list in regards to animal testing even though they try it on with their ''we fund research into alternatives'' garb on the back.
I don't like their mince, I do get the ''chkn'' pieces for my son, he likes those made in a curry. I don't though. He loves the Sweet Freedom on porridge but it's too sweet for me. You like that on toast don't you? I poured some this morning and then a dribble went down the side of the bowl so I wiped it with my finger and licked it. Then I freaked for a second as I don't remember it tasting so much like honey! I haven't had honey in about 15 years and the taste came straight back, it was rather uncanny.
Yes I know EXACTLY what you mean about the calorie thing, *shudder* I need some electronic scales as I am fed up of trying to read the ones I have, shifting about and leering lol. I get my hubbie to come and kneel at my feet :giggle:
Lives murdered to be put in the bin.....I don't understand why people don't, won't or refuse to make the connection. It's terrible. :cry:
No I had never had it just - as is - only used it in baking and stuff, so not expecting that sweetness. Silly really as the clue is in the titleHi, yep - as far as I can see, Alpro is free. Yippee! Was getting a bit hacked off about all the free dairy yoghurts there are, and having to syn non-dairy ones, as they seem healthier!
I lurve Sweet Freedom on toast, it's sooo sweet. It does taste freakishly like honey too, which must have been weird if you weren't expecting it. I prefer it to agave, as I fine it sweeter, and therefore use less.
I am enjoying my simple, mechanical scales at the moment, but electric ones are easier to read - I just find I am less obsessed when I can only weigh to the pound, as opposed to an eighth of a pound, as I can't see those tiny fluctuations, and therefore don't freak out.
Was going to ask you if you drink a lot of pop but then I just read further on that you do. Do you think you can ditch it? Do you drink water? Try to increase that because it helps to flush out the toxins. Another thing when I was doing nothing but raw for those ten days my stomach was super flat. I commented on it in my diary and the good thing is that it stayed. Personally I don't believe that carbs are bad. We need carbs for our immune system, brain, heart and digestive system to work properly. I do agree though that white carbs are NOT great, not because they necessarily cause bloating or stomach fat issues (IDK if that's true or not hon and I get bloating on occasion from pasta and I eat wholemeal) but because they are so refined and all the goodness is gone. Just try to stick to the good, clean foods as much as possible. You sound JUST like me searching away for the 'solution' but everyone is different and the only thing I know how to do is to stick to what works for me and this is working for you, do you not think? You are doing SO well too hon. CONGRATS on the loss!!Still struggling with the stomach fat issue, and researching it, reading books and online articles. It's funny, because when I was last this weight, it was from a low carb diet, and my stomach was definitely smaller. Low-carb on a vegan diet is incredibly restricted, also, it seems a bit faddy, as I know I don't want to do low carb forever, whereas SW is becoming second nature. I therefore looked at the type of carbs, and it seems that low gi carbs are better for stomach fat issues. This correlates with the guidelines of Fat Around the Middle, but seems less complicated as a concept. I am a bit torn with the FATM plan, because on the one-hand, I am prepared to put in the effort to get the body I want, and to be healthier. On the other hand, it just seems so complicated that I can't see how I am going to fit the plan into my life.
I am therefore going to do some research on low gi diets, which are pretty straight forward, and consider doing one of those.