the longest someones stuck to this diet


Full Member
im wondering whats the longest someones stayed on exante TS for!

p.s. i feel like im addicted to minimins now! id be lost without it on exante.
one of my friends she lost around 5 stone doing exante total and hasn't gained nothing, she's actually getting toned up now :) i've asked her to join this site, to help people hopefully she accepts as i'm sure she can help others :)

its not hard @ all you just have to overcome a few personal demons and away you go

and minimins is the best i must say
Ive been on it since August last year and am losing a steady stone a month. Plan on staying on it probable til around this August. Currently have enough packs to do me til May :)
I have enough packs to do me until at least the end of March so not sure what Im going to do with them since Im jumping ship in the a few days, lol. Thats what I get for planning ahead so much.
ohhhh post them this way!!! haha :p
you are all so determined i love it! i hope soon i think of exante as second nature! im 21 in April and need to look good!!
i got enough packs to do me until mid march :) but to be honest depending on W.I tomorrow i hope im @ goal by the end of this month

icy im sure you'll look amazing for your 21st
I wanted to stay on the diet till easter but have packs for another 3 weeks. Then think will have to moving on to a different diet. As my laptop has broken and now need another one. Not very happy that a £900 laptop only lasts 2 years. But now need the money for that not very happy at all.

Well done to the people that stay on the diet for a long time.
With the bumper pack, the cost of this diet is little different to if you were eating regular food, and less if you used to drink alcohol on a regular basis too.

When I first did LL, I stayed total solution until I'd lost 5 stone. This time I've mixed TS and WS, but been on it since early October, so 4 months now.
Hi Joanne

Why are you jumping ship if you don't mind me asking.

sarah x
Yes the bumper pack is very good money but I dont even spend that on food a month more like £40 and dont drink.

I am really hoping Sony will fix it for me took me 3 years to save up for it. And it seems like it is a fault happens alot but getting them to fix it is another thing.
Hi Joanne

Why are you jumping ship if you don't mind me asking.

sarah x

Ive been on Exante since September and since December have been pretty much playing at it. Im finding it impossible to get back into the zone I really need to be in to vlcd so have finally decided that its time I give up on it.

What diet will you be going to JoanneM?

Im moving to Atkins for the time being. Thats the diet I started out on and my average losses on that actually work out higher than those on Exante so hoping I can get the rest of this weight off that way as well.
may sound a bit silly.. but are you doing atkins with the full fat cream and loads of cheese...stuff like that? im still amazed that you can switch over from such a low calorie diet and continue to loose! sorry about the food talk to anyone whos reading! Once i get the majority of weight off im thinking of the atkins idea to maintain. do you count your calories on it?

thanks again!!!!

Ive been on Exante since September and since December have been pretty much playing at it. Im finding it impossible to get back into the zone I really need to be in to vlcd so have finally decided that its time I give up on it.

Im moving to Atkins for the time being. Thats the diet I started out on and my average losses on that actually work out higher than those on Exante so hoping I can get the rest of this weight off that way as well.
You dont eat loads of cheese or use loads of cream but yes thats the one. No calories to count at all which can only be a good thing. There will be a gain at first but I know that and am hiding the scales until it hopefully evens out a little and then I will start losing again.
ahh i see.. just thinking ahead.. just scared that once i o lose the weight that itll bounce back on just as fast when i return to eating lol. do you think its the carbs people eat after vlc diets that make people put it back on? im not very clued up lol :(

You dont eat loads of cheese or use loads of cream but yes thats the one. No calories to count at all which can only be a good thing. There will be a gain at first but I know that and am hiding the scales until it hopefully evens out a little and then I will start losing again.
Not really. If you refeed properly chances are you wont gain at all but Exante leaves a lot to be desired on their refeed information. Id have a look at the CD/LT/LL forums for better info on refeeding. If you reintroduce food (carbs or otherwise) properly and dont overeat putting the weight back on shouldnt be an issue.
do you think its the carbs people eat after vlc diets that make people put it back on? im not very clued up lol :(

Youre assuming there that people who do a VLCD put the weight back on. The rules for coming off a VLCD are like coming off any diet if you go back to your old eating habits youll put weight back on, change them and you wont. There are as many people who do SW/WW/Atkins etc who regain as there are VLCDers , its not the fault of the diet, its the fault of the person doing it
Youre assuming there that people who do a VLCD put the weight back on. The rules for coming off a VLCD are like coming off any diet if you go back to your old eating habits youll put weight back on, change them and you wont. There are as many people who do SW/WW/Atkins etc who regain as there are VLCDers , its not the fault of the diet, its the fault of the person doing it

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