The Mental Part Of Weight Loss

Well done on your weightloss so far. You've done brilliantly, and if you're ever struggling, we'll help. I love this site and the people on it, who make it what it is.
LOL Claire, hey I'm 60 and I know all sorts of things. :D
Hello all...
Just wanted you all to know that Im still going strong...
With a lot of thanks to the support of you all.

Im eating good things and exercising daily...
Feeling wonderful...and I have lost 45 pounds so far.

I was telling a (thin) friend the other day about changes that happen when you start losing weight...about all the little things you notice. Cause when you are very overweight every movement runs through your mind. Something so simple as bending over and picking something up. To wondering if you are going to fit in the seats at a movie theatre. And I have been noticing some of these little changes...and Im tickled to death. I think to full understand you must live it.
But I dont have that small little breathing grunt when picking something off the floor. Or even getting off the floor is not a chore as it use to be. Doing dishes my back would kill, its much less. And I can actually bend over tie my shoes with out feeling like I cant breath.

Makes me wonder what it would be like to be thin and just move with no thought at I? should I? will I look stupid? maybe I should not do it.
I have never been thin my whole life...and its like a big I would I would have the whole world open to me to do whatever I want.

This will be an exciting year as the door starts to slowly open to me.

But again...Thanks for all your support.
that's lovely to hear Cyena - am glad you feel better in yourself, keep up the good work! X
I can understand very well how you feel about it.
I have also a very long way to go.
And it is hard to imagine where this road will take me.
And, as you wrote, the main question is "what is the difference to all the other diets and tries, why should it work this time"?
For myself, I do not have any answer yet...

sorry for my English...
Hi, Mellow, you're English is very good. Best of luck with your weight loss. XX
Mellow, I think there is a diet out that to suit everyone, it's just finding the right one for you really. I tried all sorts of diets until I found Atkins, and that was the one for me.
Same here. It took me 18 months to lose half a stone on weight watchers, and 8 weeks to lose a stone with atkins. I'm quite impatient so this really works for me. Am starting to think about maintenance even though i have about 2 stone to go. I want to be really prepared.

I think Jim's right though, sometimes you have to try a lot of diets to find whats right.