The Movie Game

nowhere to run
Never back down (ace film by the way lol)
Die another day
you only live twice
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Every Which Way but Loose!

KS -- Just saw New Moon this afternoon... loved it.
Enemy of the state
Elephant Man (The)
no mercy

MM - i didnt really like the new moon, maybe because the crowd was all teen girls screaming everytime edward or jacob came on screen,
Yankee Doodle Dandy

KS, I am sure that was it. I had heard about the disruption from someone who went on the Friday, and decided to go before school let out. We went to the 2:15 showing. It wasn't crowded and was very quiet. Did you notice that you could hardly see Victoria's face? I think they must have re-edited the film once they decided to replace the actress.

which one was victoria again?
i will watch it again but most prob on dvd now :) when its released :)

Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN - mexican film watched on film4