ProPoints the munchings of a lazy girl

So I was a bit naughty after I'd posted last night and I caved in! I ended up having

2 packets cheese puffs 4PP
5 bourbons 7PP
Hot chocolate 1PP

So that's 12PP for a binge! Bit disappointed in myself but back on it today!

Snow I have used 38/49PP, probs gonna go over my weeklies this week but it's still been a better week than I have been having. Will try and earn some APs by going on the wii.
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Wednesday 16th November - Simply Filling

2 toast
Beans (2PP for mini sausages)
Sugar free jelly

Chilli con carne
KFC regular fries 7PP
2 pitta bread
Sugar free jelly

Chicken breast
Mash potato
Gravy 1PP
WW choc whip 1PP

Rice krispie square lunchbox size 2PP

Activity points: 2PP
Total: 49/49PP
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Just been to asda for a big shop so got loads in for next week :) I know it's only Wednesday but I go home tomorrow night (I'm at uni!) till Saturday morning, so I have plenty in so no excuses for me!! Bit disappointed that I have used all my weeklies in 3 days but I haven't had any fruit in to snack on, so maybe that's why. Got some in for next week so should be better at spreading my points out :) xx
U can do it :) enjoy all the yummy food u have in :D xx
I'm hoping so! How are you getting on Carly? Think I'm going to do another week on simply filling then depending how much I've lost might go back to propoints :) xx
I might look at it of my losses slow down! Hope u have a brill weekend ;) xx
Monday 21st November: Simply Filling

Strawberry smoothie
Hot choc 2PP

Ham & mustard sandwich 3PP
Hobnobs medley 4PP

Leek & potato soup
Petit pain

2 wraps

Jacket potato
Cheese slice 1PP
Chicken burger 3PP
Sugar free jelly

Rice krispie square 2PP

Total: 15PP

Arghhh used too many of my weekly points again today, so going to try and not use as many tomorrow! Also going to the gym tomorrow so will be earning some activity points too :)
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How are you getting on with the PP system from SW, I am interested as this is my first week on PP and wondered how long it took you to get into the grove:p
Looking good :) x
sue1958 said:
How are you getting on with the PP system from SW, I am interested as this is my first week on PP and wondered how long it took you to get into the grove:p

I fund it took me a while going from SW to PP but now I'm doing Simply Filling which is similar to SW but with the addition of bread, which is what I found I missed the most on SW! I would recommend Simply Filling to anyone struggling with the transition from SW to PO as it does bridge the gap! Xx
Tuesday 22nd November: Simply Filling

Scrambled egg
Sugar free jelly

Petit pain

Jacket potato
Cheese 1PP

GYM; 45 mins cardio = 9AP's :)

Chicken in parma ham 1PP
Philadelphia light garlic and herbs 1PP
New potatoes
Corn on the cob
Sugar free jelly

Hot choc 2PP
Crisps 2PP
Rice krispie square 2PP

Total: 9PP
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I love SF too :) Find it easier than PP as i tend to snack alot on PP! You will get a nice loss next week! I am getting a gain tonight :( Hope all is well! x
Hey honeyyy I'm hoping for a nice loss! Sorry to hear about your tough time, it'll get easier. You will be able to pull it back this week if you think you're going to gain :) xxx
So I used 15PP, then earnt 9AP back then used 9PP. So I have 34/49 left.. Not too bad considering I have another gym sesh planned this week, and 2 meals out coming up :) xx
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My sister is coming over tonight and we are planning on going out for tea so think I will do a PP day :)

Wednesday 23rd November: ProPoints

Ski yoghurt 3PP

GYM; spin class 6AP

Butternut squash soup
Sugar free jelly

Rice krispie square 2PP

1/2 sharer platter 25PP
Burger and fries 35PP

Total: 31/31PP
Weeklies: 43/49PP
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So used pretty much all my weeklies in one fell swoop! Going to try and earn some AP's tomorrow, and not spend any points at all :) x
Thursday 24th November: Simply Filling

Spread 1PP

Jacket potato
Cheese 2PP
Rice krispie square 2PP

Chicken breast
Tikka masala sauce 3PP
Naan breads
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