I want to talk about my binges, the bulimia was only a small part of the problem, I was binging before I developed the condition and continued to binge after, I joked that I was a bulimic who forgot to make herself sick but there was some truth to that..
During my bad binges I used to get though 3 cakes, 2 dominos pizzas, garlic bread, potato wedges, biscuits, crisps and many other binges.. Eating made me feel something made me happy for a short period of time in some ways this was just another form of self harm.
The eating harm has continued..
I conquered the bulimia and binges for a phase by following slimming world while I was at uni, less than a year later the problem returned..
I'm disgusted at what I used to and still can eat, I'm disgusted at the fat pigging slob that I became..
Now again I'm doing something about it and hope that slimming world will help again.