The Olden Days!

Only having 1 tv channel! And going to see tv at my aunties on a HUGE set with a tiny screen! It was only on for a few hours at tea time! Apart from the test card which I was sat in front of with a cup of mixed sugar and cocoa powder to give my mum some peace!(When we eventually got one) And mum saying we weren't getting ITV because it was "common"! And dad saying he didn't know why anyone would want colour tv!

Music while you work, Uncle Mac on a Saturday morning (the runaway train) and forces family favourites on a sunday. Oh and my dad coming back from work on a saturday lunchtime and listening to sports report!

SEE! My long term memory is great!;) Pity I can't remember yesterday :p
Oh what a lovely thread it brings back so many memories.

I remember..........

Being the only girl in class whose parents were divorced & getting free school dinners.
Mum buying me clothes I'd grow into.
Black & White tv.
Tin bath & o/s loo.
Mum literally banging our heads together if we were naughty.
Picking blackberries from the railway line, playing in a disused/partly knocked down mill.
Rag & bone man with his horse & cart.
Penny tray & getting more than one item for a penny!
Being politically incorrect in a nice way.
Buying 'new' clothes from the jumble sale.
oh my word the list is endless, but a lot of the way I am now is because of all of the above. I don't waste money & don't buy on impulse (something my OH just doesn't understand). I have always recycled clothes, bottles etc. Knowing how to have fun & enjoy myself :p
Only having three television channels..

Having no TV at all, and going to my 'posh' aunties to watch the Coronation on their TV - it was a massive cupboard and when you opened the doors the screen inside was so tiny.

All the family was there as 'posh' aunty Lydia was the only one with a TV at that time, my cousins and I soon got fed up though and went fishing for sticklebacks down the canal with a jam jar - when I think of what could have happened, OMG - but we knew no danger then, we were just having fun...
Oh yes - Radio Luxembourg- the other day my neice mentioned Keynsham, near Bristol.

In unison, my sister and I shouted out
K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M!! while my neice stared at us in bewilderment. :confused:

If you know what I am talking about - boy, does that date you!!!!

I remember the vegetable delivery man who also delivered bottles of Corona pop, with those wired closures (which have a proper name, but I can't remember it) and getting money back when we returned the empties.

Near where I live there is a wooden bridge over the river and every time I go that way I say to myself "over the rickety rackety bridge", but I can't remember where it comes from! I know it is from a children's radio programme (we didn't have a television) - can anyone here remember?
It's the TROLL! He wouldn't let you across the bridge!
"over the rickety rackety bridge", but I can't remember where it comes from! I know it is from a children's radio programme (we didn't have a television) - can anyone here remember?

As Judi noticed, it is from the story of the "Three Billy-Goats Gruff". On the other side of the Troll's bridge, the grass was greener. :D
I remember the toffee apple man, He used to come round on his bicycle with the big wicker basket and honk his horn shouting louding, oohh they tasted so nice.
Being able to swing off the back of the bus.
Having to have a spoonful of cold liver oil malt,
condensed milk sandwiches,
saturday morning pictures,
cup of bovril in the swimming baths cafe, when they had real ladies to serve you and give you hot buttered toast,
funny how most of my memories have food in them.
What can you taste from your past if you shut your eyes and think?
What can you taste from your past if you shut your eyes and think?

1 penny lemon Buns from the local Bakery shop - they were delicious and such a lovely treat.

Little Hovis shaped loaves split and filled with Heinz Sandwich Spread (I wonder if you can still buy that).

Proper pork pies with lot's of jelly inside.......

A 3 penny bag of chips after coming out of the swimming baths, and sneaking them upstairs on the bus to eat on the way home, LOL....
Ohhhh Sandwich spread in my sandwichs for lunch at school.... and yes donnie you can still get it, although Im not sure if its the same taste as years ago, you know the way they have a habit of changing things.
Well according to my Food Directory, sandwich spread Lite (never knew there was such a thing as lite) is 1 syn per tablespoon but the full fat version isnt listed.....
I've never had one of these and always wanted to try it!! :D

Condensed milk sandwiches.

Are these known as 'Conny Onny' sandwiches in Liverpool?.....

I never tried one either, although a friend of mine used to eat 'sugar' sandwiches when we were children.
I remember when I was little, we were considered "posh" because we lived in a tenement flat with an indoor bathroom and the tenement entry and stairwell was tiled halfway up the walls!

I remember wearing a pinfore like the ones you see the girls in the "Prime of Miss Jean Brody" films wearing, along with my "mac" and boater hat. At least we always looked smart going to school and all the kids seemed equal - no pricey labels! I also remember the wee paper shop which I always stopped at on the way to school for "frying pan" lollipops, cherry lips, oddfellows, parma violets, liquorice and sherbert dabs........... kids today don't know what real sweets are.

Speaking of school, I remember the school nurse checking our heads......... didn't know at the time they were checking for lousy heads! I can remember some poor kids getting yellow stuff put on their heads and being annoyed cause I didn't get any "hair dye", how innocent we were! I also remember collecting "luckies" (empty lemonade bottles), washing them out in puddles, and handing them in to the corner store for the deposit and getting sweeties with the money. LOL

My grandaughter was spending the weekend with us a few months ago, when she noticed her Papa's turntable and asked what it was. I pulled out a box of old 45 records and she had no idea whatsover as to what they were. We had loads of fun that day listening to the golden oldies (60's and 70's), her favourite being Suzi Quatro and Devil Gate Drive. Now every time she comes down, out they come!

I remember streets seemed so much bigger cause there were hardly any cars parked in them.

I also remember a game we played with two tennis type balls which were bounced against a wall whilst singing a song and bouncing them under, through your legs and also whilst spinning round.

I remember the only time we were allowed to play in the house was when it was raining or snowing outside. No all day tv or computers then. In fact tv only came on at lunch time for a couple of hours and then again at tea time until about 10:00 at night. The nearest thing to a computer game was your imagination.

I remember the boys taking old wooden fruit crates and hammering them together and sticking old skate wheels under them to make scooters or, using old pram wheels to make go-carts. I can even remember skates which which fitted over your shoes and laced at the toes and had a strap which fastened round your ankle. They came with a key which allowed you to increase or decrease the size so they grew with you - no need to buy new ones every few months.

How did we survive!!:rolleyes: Kids today don't realise how lucky they are, or come to think of it, are they...... what kind of childhood memories will they have with regards to computer games, etc.???