The person below me game

depends on which version you mean :)

TPBM will have sweet dreams tonight
whichever version you want it to mean ;)

TPBM will listen to good music today
lol im listerning to some oasis now

TBPM will have a nice relaxing day off work
yes i will!

TPBM will not ski over a flaming house lol
no i wont lol

TBPM will stick to lipotrim
haha. yes i will! :)

TPBM will reach their goal weight way before the date they thought they would
hope so

TBPM will get more piercings and tats
yeah, more than likely

TPBM will laugh out loud today
depends if we speak again later :)

TPBM will look good all day, and feel it
(we will!) i'm hoping i will lol

TPBM will play some kind of sport today
yep tennis

TPBM will think of fun things to do in the week
i've got my thinking cap on lol

TPBM will have a great day
hope so

TPBM will buy some paint today
yeah more than likely

TPBM will read something today
does a garlfield comic count lol

TPBM will make someone smile
(i love garfield!!) i hope i do. i love making people smile :)

TPBM will drink water today
had 1.5lt while talking to you

TBPM will enjoy her shakes
yeah, i guess they are pretty enjoyable with lots of ice :)

TPBM will be hot today
hope so

TPBM will find £20 note on the floor
that would be incredibly awesome!!

TPBM will watch tv today