The person below me game

lol the list is growing

TPBM will recive a letter soon
yay! i loooove receiving letters :)

TPBM might get a tattoo sometime in the future
maybe one day

TPBM will eat food one day again
yep! i certainly will.

TPBM will take a bath instead of a shower soon
doubt that

TPBM will get something that smells nice
possibly lol

TPBM will have sweet dreams
No..... was weigh-in day today, nightmares about putting on a stone - as it happens, another 4lb off!

TPBM will buy something on eBay today
(congrats!!!) nope, but i did go shopping out in the real world lol

TPBM will re-read one of their favorite books
i am! mixed in with my shake :)

TPBM will laugh so hard that they will spit their drink everywhere
ha ha ha you are too funny

TPBM be surprised soon
yay! i loooove surprises :)

TPBM will have chicken soup tomorrow
i will do(sorry for leaving half a cup in your room :))

THPM will have a sort of her clothes tomorrow
yep! and probably throw quite a bit away lol

TPBM will walk a mile tomorrow
If you count a little kitten that keeps coming to my window trying to get it - yes I have.

TPBM will send a text within the next 5 mins