The person below me game

I've been told I have, I've got dimples when I smile though and people coo over them like I'm a baby!

Tpbm likes hot bubble baths.
Oh especially on a really hot day - lol, nothing nicer.

TPBM is definitely starting their diet tomorrow.

well it's yes I am

tpbm hasn't had their birthday yet this year

I wish ......

TPBM loves it when it snows !
Yes I love snow as do children and dogs
Tpbm must start cooking dinner
I do have blue eyes !

TPBM loves Sushi
I love Peanut butter and jam sandwiches.. add some cheese in that and Im in heaven !! ( and I wonder how I got this heavy ?! :eek: lol )

TPBM is looking forward to a holiday in the sun !
Nope , dont mind them at all ! But moths in bedroom at night , I cant stand !!! :snooty:

TPBM loves the Star Wars films