The person below me game

No, but I should have done, going in the morning instead.

TBPM has met up with some old faces recently and it has made her/him feel good!
Oh *me me me*

Four loads of washing done, three dried on the line.

TPBM prefers baths to showers...
*oooh me again*

I'm going to Alton Towers. And visiting my beautiful neice before she starts school.

TPBM loves high heels...
I do :D Im tall as it is , so when I wear them I tend to tower !!

TPBM used to watch Multi - Coloured Swap Shop on a Saturday morning !
Sorry, never heard of it lol!

TPBM always feels bloomin tired!
Tired and Stressed out at the moment - yep!
TPBM Is visiting a family member this weekend that lives far away *shudders*

TPBM eats their 5 a day...every day.
Yes, regular 5-a-dayer me!

tpbm sucks their soup through a straw
Saw my brother!

tpbm read The Sun
Dont read the papers :rolleyes:

TPBM cant wait till Christmas to have a mince pie ! :p