The person below me game

No I'm on Exante so its just 3 shakes for me tomorrow, joy!

Tpbm has a holiday planned for next year
No, i'm a trained nail tech and IMO no one can do my nails as well as I can do them myself. Hated it in college when I had to let other trainees loose on me

TPBM is ready for bed (or is that just me?)
Yes i should be but going to have a naughty glass of wine to unwind before i hit the pillow...

tpbm is going to have a lie in tomorrow.....!!
ooh i wish!!

tpbm is taking a hot to drink to bed
yep in bed with my herbal tea catching up on the forums :)

TPBM likes pudding.
I do indeed. a calorie counting food diary on MFP. Wouldn't be without either of these 2 sites

TPBM isn't feeling too good this morning
I wasnt, mostly because my cat stunk the house out!!!
Feeling better now though!

TPBM has had a headache all morning. I certainly have!
yes ill be going with my children on friday .. not hubby though as he is away

tpbm is happily married
i do but i cant have them...theyre not in the diet rules....

tpbm thinks its been very windy today