yes greey me i am eating chocolates tpbm is bored
elb4160 Gold Member 1 January 2011 #4,162 A bit, feel like listening to music but the OH is watching simpsons TPBM cant stand the simpsons
rowanx2 Losing the baby fat 1 January 2011 #4,163 No I love the Simpsons as does my little girl (how could anyone not like the simpsons!) TPBM has stuck to their new years resolutions thus far! (well it has been one day, there is a chance!)
No I love the Simpsons as does my little girl (how could anyone not like the simpsons!) TPBM has stuck to their new years resolutions thus far! (well it has been one day, there is a chance!)
elb4160 Gold Member 1 January 2011 #4,164 I have actually Mine were to lose weight (obviously) and to keep the kitchen tidy! (normally our washing up gets left for a while but I've done it straight away today ) TPBM is a messy person?
I have actually Mine were to lose weight (obviously) and to keep the kitchen tidy! (normally our washing up gets left for a while but I've done it straight away today ) TPBM is a messy person?
rowanx2 Losing the baby fat 2 January 2011 #4,165 I'm very messy, I am an aspiring flylady though, want to get my act together on that score. TPBM shaved their legs today saying as it is New years day!
I'm very messy, I am an aspiring flylady though, want to get my act together on that score. TPBM shaved their legs today saying as it is New years day!
Stupid I'm a greedy pig 2 January 2011 #4,166 no didn't shave my legs[too lazy] tpbm is looking forward to a lie on tommorrow
hbb Thoroughly Determined 2 January 2011 #4,167 nope. had my lie-in today. tomorrow I'm meeting my friend from London then getting ready to start my new job on Tuesday! aargh! TPBM has got rid of all the surplus xmas choccies...
nope. had my lie-in today. tomorrow I'm meeting my friend from London then getting ready to start my new job on Tuesday! aargh! TPBM has got rid of all the surplus xmas choccies...
elb4160 Gold Member 2 January 2011 #4,168 Nope, they're sat on the coffee table right in front of me, but I'm not even tempted! TPBM has a bit of a sore tummy
Nope, they're sat on the coffee table right in front of me, but I'm not even tempted! TPBM has a bit of a sore tummy
rowanx2 Losing the baby fat 2 January 2011 #4,169 Nope it feels fine cos I am sticking to my diet TPBM rides a bike
Little strawberry Full Member 3 January 2011 #4,170 Nope don't have a bike although I do use the exercise bike at the gym TPBM goes back to work tomorrow
Nope don't have a bike although I do use the exercise bike at the gym TPBM goes back to work tomorrow
elb4160 Gold Member 3 January 2011 #4,171 I do indeed, unfortunately! TPBM watches Jeremy Kyle for a laugh. It cheers me up seeing how disfunctional everybody on there is compared to me!
I do indeed, unfortunately! TPBM watches Jeremy Kyle for a laugh. It cheers me up seeing how disfunctional everybody on there is compared to me!
rowanx2 Losing the baby fat 3 January 2011 #4,172 Yeh ok I admit I watch it haha. I think JK thinks he's something he's not though. TPBM is going abroad this year.
Yeh ok I admit I watch it haha. I think JK thinks he's something he's not though. TPBM is going abroad this year.
rowanx2 Losing the baby fat 3 January 2011 #4,173 Very nice, enjoy yourself! Nope I'm watching Above Suspicion on bbc1! (actually chanel 3!) TPBM is thinking they might dye their hair soon.
Very nice, enjoy yourself! Nope I'm watching Above Suspicion on bbc1! (actually chanel 3!) TPBM is thinking they might dye their hair soon.
Karmacoma :: 4 January 2011 #4,174 I NEED to dye my hair asap! I normally do it black, have about 1" of my light brown roots showing. Not nice TPBM loves Sushi!
I NEED to dye my hair asap! I normally do it black, have about 1" of my light brown roots showing. Not nice TPBM loves Sushi!
elb4160 Gold Member 4 January 2011 #4,175 From what I've tried (the little tesco packs) no! But I might if I tried the proper stuff. TPBM has chest pains O_O
From what I've tried (the little tesco packs) no! But I might if I tried the proper stuff. TPBM has chest pains O_O
honeykiss Member 4 January 2011 #4,176 No not yet anyway!! The person below me is about to watch Deal or no Deal?
Stupid I'm a greedy pig 4 January 2011 #4,178 don't have any pets tpbm will be watching tv this evening
rowanx2 Losing the baby fat 4 January 2011 #4,179 Watching tv as always, altough there is never anything on! TPBM has a blue kitchen.
honeykiss Member 4 January 2011 #4,180 Nope its magnolia lol TPBM is thinking about having an early night!