The person below me game

I have actually :D Mine were to lose weight (obviously) and to keep the kitchen tidy! (normally our washing up gets left for a while but I've done it straight away today :D )

TPBM is a messy person?
nope. had my lie-in today. tomorrow I'm meeting my friend from London then getting ready to start my new job on Tuesday! aargh!

TPBM has got rid of all the surplus xmas choccies...
Nope, they're sat on the coffee table right in front of me, but I'm not even tempted!

TPBM has a bit of a sore tummy :(
Nope don't have a bike although I do use the exercise bike at the gym

TPBM goes back to work tomorrow
I do indeed, unfortunately!

TPBM watches Jeremy Kyle for a laugh. It cheers me up seeing how disfunctional everybody on there is compared to me!
From what I've tried (the little tesco packs) no! But I might if I tried the proper stuff.

TPBM has chest pains O_O