The person below me game

Ive only just switched it on (well mayeb 15 mins ago, but people on facebook have commented on it!) so Ive not seen her.

TPBM prefers pearls to diamonds
I own more (fake) pearls than (fake) diamonds but if it was the real deal, it would be diamonds! Or maybe pearls! Oh, I dunno - that is too tough! I can't answer! Does that mean I have to forfeit my go?
Lol, not sure if you do have to or not, but heres another one for you (or the next person to come along)

TPBM owned a pony as a child
No, we're moving house, so have been packing stuff up!

TPBM owns too many clothes!
Unfortunately not Well I have lots in different sizes but not many in the size I am right now!

Tpbm is scared of heights.