did have a good nights sleep TPBM has got children
D dirtydancing Gold Member 14 September 2011 #5,541 did have a good nights sleep TPBM has got children
MartinD Full Member 16 September 2011 #5,542 yup got 5! sophie, grace, harriet, lily and freddie tpbm has a secret hobby
W woodmouse Gold Member 17 September 2011 #5,543 No. But I have a secret! TPBM went off plan this last week
B Blue Butterfly Gold Member 17 September 2011 #5,544 Nope been 100% for 9 days now woohoo! Tpbm likes watching horror movies.
Loulabella2 Zumba Mad Mummy & Wife 17 September 2011 #5,545 Absolutely love them!!! Tpbm loves watching the only way is essex and secretly wants a vajazzle? lol
bubblensqueak Loves Slimming world!! 21 September 2011 #5,547 I dont have grass TPBM Loves Geordie shore
V Veggiegirl Full Member 21 September 2011 #5,550 Unfortunately I do! TPBM cannot stand any books or films to do with vampires!
D dirtydancing Gold Member 26 September 2011 #5,551 you are right there. TPBM is sat in their pyjamas.
W woodmouse Gold Member 26 September 2011 #5,553 No never unless you count the uninvited white ones..... TPBM will be planting spring bulbs in the next week
No never unless you count the uninvited white ones..... TPBM will be planting spring bulbs in the next week
J Jocookie Full Member 28 September 2011 #5,555 Yeah, although I pretend not to be. TPBM has done something they regret today. Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins Last edited: 29 September 2011
Yeah, although I pretend not to be. TPBM has done something they regret today. Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Little strawberry Full Member 29 September 2011 #5,556 Not yet but it is only first thing! Lol TPBM is trying to decide between going swimming or going to the gym Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Not yet but it is only first thing! Lol TPBM is trying to decide between going swimming or going to the gym Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Want2BeSlim Gold Member 29 September 2011 #5,557 I wish, I can't swim . Hmm, not sure if it counts but I'm actually thinking about signing up to my old gym again lol. TPBM is drinking a cup of coffee
I wish, I can't swim . Hmm, not sure if it counts but I'm actually thinking about signing up to my old gym again lol. TPBM is drinking a cup of coffee
W woodmouse Gold Member 29 September 2011 #5,558 no not too keen on coffee - prefer tea! TPBM is working a night shift when they read this
J Jocookie Full Member 30 September 2011 #5,559 No, I'm enjoying a glass of wine. TPBM has eaten something totally new today. Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins Last edited: 2 October 2011
No, I'm enjoying a glass of wine. TPBM has eaten something totally new today. Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
W woodmouse Gold Member 1 October 2011 #5,560 not so far but I might later on TPBM plans to sit out in the sun today