I am but will probably chicken out and just get the usual trim :D TPBM owns too many shoes...
LauraLooLa Gold Member 3 May 2012 #5,921 I am but will probably chicken out and just get the usual trim TPBM owns too many shoes...
Fionut slowly shrinking 6 May 2012 #5,922 Afraid not. Size 9 feet make it kinda hard... Tpbm likes Marmite on toast Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Afraid not. Size 9 feet make it kinda hard... Tpbm likes Marmite on toast Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
IWillBeAYummyMummy Supercalifragilistic 6 May 2012 #5,923 too right! tpbm is cooking a Sunday Roast today
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 18 May 2012 #5,924 No i am not cooking a sunday roast today. The person below me likes monkeys.
Fionut slowly shrinking 18 May 2012 #5,925 Not particularly, but I don't dislike them. TPBM eagerly waits for Wednesday to watch the apprentice. Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Not particularly, but I don't dislike them. TPBM eagerly waits for Wednesday to watch the apprentice. Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 18 May 2012 #5,926 I dont watch the apprentice TPBM likes Big Brother and cant wait for it to start
Fionut slowly shrinking 18 May 2012 #5,927 Nope! Not me, though I do tend tofind out what's happening from staffroom gossip. TPBM is in their pjs Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Nope! Not me, though I do tend tofind out what's happening from staffroom gossip. TPBM is in their pjs Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Fionut slowly shrinking 18 May 2012 #5,929 Yep! Sure do. TPBM prefers red wine to white wine Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Yep! Sure do. TPBM prefers red wine to white wine Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
natnat1105 Full Member 18 May 2012 #5,931 Nope, being good and drinking diet lemonade....isn't dieting fun. Lol. TPBM gets a but too excited when Greys Anatomy is on!
Nope, being good and drinking diet lemonade....isn't dieting fun. Lol. TPBM gets a but too excited when Greys Anatomy is on!
natnat1105 Full Member 18 May 2012 #5,933 Woohoo....I do. I have 2 very cute Degus!! TPBM has been to Thailand
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 18 May 2012 #5,934 No not yet but have been many other places TPBM has a big family
C Chelle x Gold Member 18 May 2012 #5,935 Just the 4 of us but that's enough for me! TPBM loves nothing more than a spot of gardening.
C Chelle x Gold Member 18 May 2012 #5,937 Yes this is true, pretty flowers and pretty colours TPBM has a busy weekend planned
P Pookie 1999 Gold Member 18 May 2012 #5,938 Not too busy but a bit of exercise planned waking etc after all this is a weight loss forum i keep forgeting that. TPBM likes holidays
Not too busy but a bit of exercise planned waking etc after all this is a weight loss forum i keep forgeting that. TPBM likes holidays
C Chelle x Gold Member 18 May 2012 #5,939 Ooh yes I do but unfortunately I don't get on many since having the kids TOBM loves the colour red