The person below me game

yeah....feeling fulfilled
TPBM hates football
Yes sorry i do but husband loves it big game today apparently so wont get much out of him all day.
TPBM has something nice planned for the weekend
A few bits planned, shopping and entertaining the mother in law
TPBM is wearing a gold piece of jewellery
Yes black boots. I havent taken them off since getting home about 30 mins ago- how incredibly lazy!
TPBM has football on the tele
Of course.

Tpbm has a cat

Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
Yes I'm wearing blue jeans! You've got the boots and jeans, will you get the top next?!!!
TPBM went to brownies as a girl
Yes, I'm very impressed! I am wearing a white vest top
TPBM is feeling positive about next weeks weigh in
Oh yes but lots of loose skin so I'm looking good in clothes but it's a sad state of affairs when they're removed!
TPBM is debating what to have for tea
You are right, they scare me but I don't like killing them so they are always carefully removed from the house
TPBM has blue eyes